Trapped (Datherine)

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Summary: Set in future S8, but Damon never took the cure. When he finds her injured inside what's left of a building after an earthquake, will she be okay? Can he save her? Will they reconcile?

It was a dismal night, as Damon helped Caroline and the humans rescue those that needed it. There'd been an earthquake, which had caused some buildings to collapse into parts or ruins. That's when he smelled more blood, but knew who it belonged to. Despite the last time she'd been in town, he decided to help her, so he followed the scents and began making an entrance to the area. Then, when he was inside, he went over to her. He could only see her hand, so he didn't know how injured she was. He carefully and quickly was able to unbury her to find out, though. That's when he saw her lower stomach heavily bleeding. She was very pale too, an ascendant not far from her, having lost a lot of blood. 

He rested a hand on either side of her head. 

"Katherine, it's me. Can you hear me? I need you to wake up. Come on, Kitty Kat. Open your eyes for me." He hoped calling to her, as well as using his old name for her would wake her up. 

After a few minutes, she awoke to blurrily see Damon at her side. She could feel his hands on either side of her head. She could also feel that she was weak, which she knew meant that she had to be injured. 

"Damon...?" she softly questioned. 

"I'm here, Kat," he told her. "I need you to stay awake for me," he then informed her. Although he didn't think she had a concussion, he knew she had to stay awake as much blood as she'd lost and was still losing. He then took his jacket off and used it to apply pressure to her lower stomach. He then tied his jacket around her wound. And as he did so, he saw that she was starting to go under again. "Katherine? Stay with me, Kitty Kat."

After he was done tying his jacket in place, he gently picked her up and blurred to the entrance. He then got out of there and gently layed her down. 

Several hours later, she woke up in the hospital, Damon seated on her bedside, a hand on top of hers. He'd obviously been waiting for her to wake up. 

She gave a smile.


He smiled back, and then said, "If you're feeling up to it, we should go home."

She was surprised, but not too much. She knew he didn't like hospitals.

"What made you not want me dead?" she had to ask him.

"Well, I'm not certain, but I just don't like you injured the way you were," he told her.

"In that case, thank you. And let's get out of here."

Later that night, after she was settled into his bed at home, him seated on her bedside, it was such a moment that they began to make out. 

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