Rescued By Her Childe

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Summary: Set in S7. What happens when Damon finds an injured Katherine after an earthquake? What will ensue?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, as Damon walked, looking at chaos. An earthquake had just happened. Then, seeing a hold with wood around and in it, he stopped. He was silent for a few minutes, seeing a very human Katherine down there. He could smell blood and see an arrow in her, which looked a lot like Kai's handiwork. He just stood there, debating on whether to save her or not until, finally, deciding to go down there to save her.
He slide down the muddy bank to kneel at her side, where he saw the extent of her injures. There was blood on either side of her head and some wounds that looked like stab wounds. There was a knife in her thigh and there was a lot of blood. She had definitely lost a lot of blood.
He rested gentle hands on either side of her head.
"Katherine, can you hear me? Open your eyes."
After a few moments of nothing, he sighed and then pulled the arrow and knife out, before tossing them aside. He then gently slid an arm under her head and another under her legs, pulling her gently into his arms and getting to his feet, before heading up the bank to get her out. He couldn't save her while in the hole.
A few minutes later, after getting out of the hole, he gently layed her down on her back on the ground, as it began to rain. He then gently took her jacket off and used it to tie around her thigh wound, realizing the knife had opened an artery. Then, not hearing anything from her, he bent down and kissed her, giving her some air.
"Come on, Katherine; Breathe. Breathe for me," he said, after ten minutes of trying to revive her and not hearing anything from her.
A few minutes later, he sighed in relief after stopping, as she coughed, revived.
"Good girl," he commented.
"Damon?" she almost whispered from blood loss, hearing him, but unable to see him.
"It's me," he assured her. "What happened?"
"Kai. After what he did, I'm blind."
"Don't worry. He's dead. I killed him a few months ago. He can't hurt you anymore."
He put her arm around his shoulders and gently pulled her into his arms.
"Thanks," she said.
He got to his feet with her in his arms and began to blur home, knowing that she had lost a lot of blood. He couldn't waste time. Her life was on the line.

What felt like a few minutes later, she felt him lay her down on what felt like a bed. She felt tired though. She knew she had to stay awake, but that was easier said than done. She was losing the fight.

Thirty minutes later, he had finished tending to her wounds. She was still tired from blood loss, though. Through the blindness and blood loss though, she was still able to feel him rest a gentle hand on her forehead.
"Don't worry. You'll feel better soon. Besides, you're safe here. I won't let anyone hurt you."
She smiled.
He knew she couldn't see him, but he smiled anyway.
"Get some rest. You need it."
He took his hand away and then left.

The next day, when she came down the stairs and to the living room, she used her memory to guide her and tell her where everything was.
"Sleeping beauty awakens," he greeted with a smile.
She went to sit on the couch.
"So, what are we going to do now?" she asked him.
"Just take it one day at a time," he replied, sitting next to her.
"Well, whatever happens, thanks for the save," she said with a smile.
"Well, it's not like you're all that bad as a human."
"I'm glad you have some confidence in me now."
"It's only temporary," he replied.
It was such a moment, that they began to make out.

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