Memory Loss

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Summary: Set in S5, starting in "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and onward. What if Kat was hurt worse than she was in the show after the crash and ended up in the hospital? What if she lost her memory, but only remembered 1492 and earlier? What will ensue?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, as Damon Salvatore sat in a chair at Katherine Pierce's bedside, waiting for her to awaken. She had been injured in the car crash worst than Jeremy, when they had fought over the wheel when she had tried to run. He never should've told him to turn back around. The moment he told Jeremy to do that, he had broken his promise to her that he would protect her. Now she was in the hospital in critical condition and didn't know if his blood would work. Her body had rejected Caroline's blood and she had technically been turned by him and Katherine both, considering she had killed her a few years ago when Damon's blood had been in her system. But then again, they weren't connected like he and Katherine were. She had made him in her image and he had died with her blood in his system in 1864. They were alike in more ways than one.
He bit his wrist and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat, deciding that it was worth a shot. If it worked, she's be okay. If not, she may or may not wake up in transition.
He took his wrist away, which instantly healed.

A few hours later, she came to.
He smiled.
"Hey," he greeted.
"Where am I?" she asked.
"The Mystic Falls hospital. I brought you here," he replied.
"Thanks. Who are you?"
"Damon Salvatore. What's the last thing you remember?" he replied, worried, knowing this wasn't one of her games.
She slowly sat up and looked at him.
"Finding my entire village, including my family, slaughtered by Klaus. Why am I not in Bulgaria? Did you find me?" she replied.
"You came here in 1864. Then you left and came back in 2009. I'll tell you the full story once we get back to the boarding house," he replied, and realized that she had lost 522 years of her memory.
"What's the year?"

As they walked, she looked around, wary of vehicles and thinking clothes these days were strange. The world she remembered didn't have vehicles and clothes were simple. In her day, they had horses and wagons.
Damon walked beside her, knowing that he was more than just her protector or bodyguard. He had to get her memory back, or she'd most likely get herself killed, thinking she could take on a vampire on her own. All she remembered was the sixteenth century. In her mind, she was a new born vampire; not a newly turned back human.

Once inside, he closed the door behind her and led her to his living room, where he gestured to the couch.
"Sit. I'll be right back."
He vamp sped to her old room and soon returned with her old, leather bound journal.
He walked over and handed it to her.
"I never read it, but I assume this will help. I'll fill in the blanks."
"My journal," she replied, and took it.

A few hours later, she had read it from beginning to end and Damon had answered all of her questions and had filled in the blanks. He had even told her what had happened from 2009 to the recent events.
He sat beside her with a shot glass of Bourbon in hand, sipping it.
"Even though I don't remember doing any of those things, I'm sorry for everything I did to everyone," she apologized, looking at him.
He was surprised at her apology and realized that the Katherine in 1492 had still been sweet, kind, and sophisticated. Even after a few drinks.
"It's late. I should take you to your room."
He stood up, setting the empty shot glass on the end table, and held out his hand.
She took it and stood up.
They were both drunk, but he was better at hiding it.
He showed her to her room and, between drinking and their history together, they ended up in his room, door closed, on his bed, him on top, making out. They had no care in the world in that moment.

The next day, Damon woke up to see that he was next to a sleeping, human Katherine, and remembered that they had made love last night.
He groaned.
What the hell had he done? He shouldn't be getting cozy or bonding with her just because of her memory loss and kindness. If Elena found out, she'd kill them both. Even though she was away at college at Whitmore, he and Elena were still together.
Without waking her, he got ready and dressed for the day.

A few months later he found a witch to help restore her memories she had lost, which worked, though he hated letting the sophisticated Katherine go. He liked her better.
In the end, after her memories were restored, he promised that he'd keep his promise to her that he'd protect her.

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