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Summary: Set in S2-5. A songfic based on the pairing Datherine and song "Hero."

*The Last Day*

Would you dance

If I asked you to dance?

Would you run and never look back?

Would you cry

If you saw me crying?

Would you save my soul tonight?

Would you tremble

If I touched your lips?

Would you laugh?

Oh, please tell me this

Now would you die

For the one you love?

Hold me in your arms tonight

I can be your hero, baby

I can kiss away the pain

I will stand by you forever

You can take my breath away

It was a beautiful day, as Damon knocked on Ric's apartment door and waited for someone to open the door. Klaus was keeping her hostage, so he thought he'd come by and give her a vial of vervain to use so he couldn't compel her. He hated Katherine, but no one deserved torture, captivity, or being ripped of their free will. If she was alive, he'd help her the best of his ability.

Ten minutes later, when no one opened the door, he figured he should see what was going on, so he did just that. He walked inside, closing the door behind himself. That's when he saw her on her back on the floor, skin burning in the sun, and a bite on the left side of her neck. Because of the burning, he assumed that Klaus had taken her Daylight bracelet.

He went over and closed the curtains to stop the burning. She was a vampire just like himself. If a vampire burned long enough, they'd die. He didn't know how long that she'd been burning. If he hadn't come today, she probably would've died before the sun went down.

He knelt at her side and scanned her with his eyes. He'd gotten to her just in time, since she had started showing veins from burning in the sun. The veins were starting to disappear and her skin was starting to heal, but not as quickly as vampires usually do. He knew it was from the vicious bite.

He rested gentle hands on either side of her head, avoiding touching the werewolf bite.

"Katherine, can you hear me? I need you to wake up. If you can hear me, open your eyes."

When she didn't reply or move a muscle, he patted her right cheek gently, his right hand resting on her forehead to keep her head still. In this state, she was fragile. He hated to call her that, but she was burning up. That, and she looked very weak and pale, not to mention, he was having a hard time waking her up. If and when she woke up, she wouldn't be able to go anywhere. She'd be too weak to stand, much less walk. Even if she did wake up before he left with her, he'd still have to carry her.

"Come on, Katherine. Wake up. You need to tell me where the cure is," he said, still patting her cheek.

He stopped trying to wake her, when she began awakening.

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