Vampiress Doppelganger Saver

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Summary: Damon finds Katherine in the woods, bitten. Will he care enough to save her life? Can he save her before it's too late?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, as Damon Salvatore walked through the woods, no hurry to get home, though it was a full moon.
He stopped in the middle of the woods, seeing someone on the ground, on her back, clothes torn, the smell of blood; her blood, and werewolf strong.
He was instantly at her side.
He knelt down by her and rested gentle hands on either side of her face, looking down at her, making sure she wasn't dead yet. He could see that she'd been bitten more than a couple times.
He looked around to make sure there wasn't a werewolf lying in wait, before looking at her and taking his hands away from her.
"Let's get you out of here," he said, as he pulled her gently into his arms. "Upsie daisy," he added, as he got to his feet with her in his arms. He then vanished to take her home.

Once in his room, he gently layed her down on his bed.
"Stay with me," he said.
He vanished to go get the cure for her and, half an hour later, came back.
He sat on her bedside and opened the vial, before gently lifting her head. He then put the vial to her lips, making the cure go down her throat.
Once finished, he gently layed her head back down and set the vial on the end table.
He looked down at her, knowing she'd live.

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