Break on Through (Datherine)

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Summary: What if Kat came back in 3x17 "Break on Through," because an enemy made her human with the cure to make her suffer? What if she went to the boarding house, only to be attacked by Ric's alter ego, because his alter ego wanted to go after one of the Salvatores, but he found Katherine before any of them came home? When Damon finds her, will he be able to save her? If so, what will ensue?

It was a dismal night, as a newly turned back human Katherine entered the boarding house. It was quiet, but she decided to try anyway, hoping someone was home, as she walked through the hallway.

"Damon?" she called, hoping for an answer. As a human, she valued herself as useless and worthless. She needed protection from her enemies and anyone else that seeked her harm.

"He's not here, Katherine," a familiar voice told her from behind, which made her turn around to face the vampire hunter, only to be stabbed with his knife as soon as she did. Then, when alter ego Ric saw the blood, he realized she was human. "You're human. This makes things so much more entertaining."

She took a step back, which was when he lunged at her. She knew this wasn't normal for him, so she assumed he'd died too many times, knowing what had happened to the previous person that had worn the ring. She then fell on the floor when he lunged at her. He then tried to pull her towards him with a hand on her leg, but she was able to kick him. That gave her the opportunity to run, so she ran upstairs to Damon's bathroom, leaving a trail of blood.

Once in Damon's bathroom, she locked the door. Then, a moment later, weakness from the blood loss from her lower stomach wound came. Then, before she knew it, she felt the floor, as everything grew blurry.

About twenty minutes later, Damon entered his home, only to see blood. A small puddle was in the hallway and there was a blood trail all the way up the staircase railing. He could smell Katherine and human, which was a little confusing. He could also hear Ric trying to get through a door to Katherine. That's when he realized that she was back and injured because of his alter ego. Once he realized that, he came up behind him and knocked him out. Then he used some vampire strength to break the lock to get in.

As soon as he saw her on her side with one of Ric's knives stabbed into her lower stomach, he was instantly knelt at her side. He then gently sat her against him, her head on his shoulder. Then, as he pulled the knife out, he could hear her shallow breathing from both the wound and a lot of blood loss.

"Stay with me, Katherine," he encouraged. He then bit his wrist and put it to her lips, forcing his blood down her throat to heal her, trying to save her life. "You're gonna be okay," he added, glad he'd gotten home when he had. He knew from how pale she was and the amount of blood loss she'd received, she would've died if he hadn't gotten home for another fifteen minutes.

When she woke up, she saw that she was in bed in Damon's room, Damon seated on her bedside.

She slowly sat up.


"You're welcome. Ric's in the cellar, but how are you human again?"

"An enemy shoved a cure down my throat. I came here looking for protection."

"Well, in that case, I'll protect you," he replied. Despite what she'd done as a vampire, he didn't want human her to die.

They gave each other a smile. Then, it was such a moment that they began to kiss.

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