Ex Vampiress to the Rescue

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Summary: Set in 6x10 when Kai was absorbing the Traveler magic. What happens when Katherine arrives, alive, after Kai magically throws Ric and Damon a ways? What if she got hurt? Will Damon care enough to save her life?

It was a beautiful day at a cemetery, as Kai started chanting something. As he chanted, the wind got worse.
"What happened to the chains?" Damon asked, not seeing them on Kai anymore.
"Is he chanting?" Ric asked, standing beside Damon.
"He's absorbing all the magic from the spell the Travelers cast over Mystic Falls," Damon realized.
Kai got to his feet and went to stand not far from them. He magically through Ric, who then landed not far from a tree. He then magically through Damon, who landed not far from the mausoleum.
"It's great to be back," Kai said with a smile. "And no one can stop me."
He walked towards Damon.
"You haven't won yet," Damon said.
Before Kai could do anything else to Damon, he was magically thrown not far from a tree.
Kai and Damon looked to see a very human Katherine, but who had apparently tapped into her Traveler lineage.
"Katherine," was all Damon could say.
"Miss me? I sure missed you," she replied with a smile.
She turned her attention back to Kai, who pinned her to the ground by a headstone.
"You're supposed to be dead," Kai said.
"Not anymore. I got out," she replied.
She tried to get him off her and stab him with a special knife she had brought to kill him, but he knocked it out of her hand.
"What are you doing here?" Kai asked.
"For starters, to kill you to keep you from hurting those I care about. I may not show it, but I do care. The Salvatores and Elena are my family, no matter what we've done to each other and no matter what they feel about me. Go ahead. Kill me. I'd rather die trying to kill you myself than to let you kill or hurt my family," she replied.
"It won't be that easy," Kai replied.
Damon was shocked about what Katherine had said.
She gasped, as the pain came, when Kai used his own knife to stab her in the lower stomach. Then everything went distant for her.
Kai pulled it out.
Damon went behind him and knocked him out.
He knelt beside Katherine to help her, knowing that she had told the truth for once, and she had just tried to take him out on her own, all for family. It was only fair for him to save her.
Everything went black for her a moment after she saw Damon at her side.
He looked down at her and saw that she was losing a lot of blood.
"Stay with me, Katherine," he said, as he gently pulled her into his arms. He bit his wrist and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat, which soon healed and saved her.
After he knew Ric was okay, he gently picked an out cold Katherine up and headed for the Salvatore boarding house.

Once home, he gently layed her down in his bed and sat on her bedside, hand in hers, waiting for her to come to.

An hour later, she woke up which relieved him, knowing she'd be okay and wasn't dying anytime soon.

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