Because Of You

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Summary: Set in S1-2 and 4-5. Based on the song "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson.


I will not make the same mistake that you did

I will not let myself

Cause my heart so much misery

I will not break the way you did

You fell so hard

I've learned the hard way

To never let it get that far

It was a dark night in her village at home, as she wept over her mother, having just found her village slaughtered; even her family had been killed. After turning and running, she had come home, only to see the aftermath of true evil. Only someone evil could kill another person's entire family.


It was a dark night, as Damon and Katherine stood in the woods on the side of the road. They were up against a tree with her back against it, him catching his breath after chasing her.

"Why must you run from me?" he questioned her.

"Because I know you will chase," she replied.

"Then let me chase you forever."

She smiled and used a fingernail to make a cut on her collarbone.

"If you want it, take it. You must choose," she offered, teaching him to take whatever he wanted without consequences.

"I choose you, Katherine."

He bent down and drank from the cut.

She smiled, as he did so.

Later that night, she also taught him how to kill, knowing she wouldn't be around when he turned.

*Opened Tomb*

When Damon walked into the opened tomb and saw that she wasn't there, his heart sank, thinking she was dead. He was so upset when his brother walked in and asked what was wrong, that he had to inform him when he through the bag of blood at the rock wall, yelling, "She's not here!"

*The Return*

It was a dark night at the Salvatore boarding house in the living room, as they stood in front of each other. They had just finished making out, since he had called a time out.

"I have one question. Answer it right and it's back to rockets and fireworks. I'll forget the last 145 years I've spent missing you. I'll forget how much I loved you. I'll forget everything and we can start over. This can be our defining moment. See, we have time. That's the beauty of eternity. I just need the truth just this once," he told her.

"Stop. I already know the question and its answer," she replied, before he could say more. "The truth is...I've never loved you."

She took his hands from her face and began to walk out. As she did, her words sunk in which were the worst words than she could've said to him, because he believed her words to be true. He had asked for the truth, after all.

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