A Former Vampiress In Need (Datherine)

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Summary: Set in S7. What happens when a human Kat escapes the prison world? When Damon comes across her, will he save her? Does he still care, or does he still hate her?

A/N: Based on a dream I had.

It was a dismal night, as a human and injured Kat lay in the woods. She didn't know how long she'd been dead. She just knew that she'd escaped the prison world and Kai. She also knew that she'd die from her injuries if she wasn't found, but she couldn't do anything. She'd lost too much blood. Her vision was blurry, too. All she could do was wait.

Damon had been walking through the woods after feeding. It had been fifteen years since he'd lost Elena. Twenty plus since Katherine. When he was walking through the woods, he smelled some familiar scents. They were of an injured human Katherine. Unlike years ago though, he didn't hate her anymore. And he'd always care about her to some degree. So, as soon as he smelled the scents, he blurred towards the scent trail. Even when he'd hated her in the past, he'd never leave her to die.

When he found her, she was on her back, definitely injured. He could tell that she'd lost a lot of blood. He also saw the arrow, which he assumed to be Kai's doing.

He knelt at her side, taking his jacket off, and used it to try and stop her leg artery from bleeding some more, tying it around her leg. He then took the arrow out of her lower stomach, tossing it to the ground. He then gently pulled her into his arms.

"Stay with me, Kitty Kat," he told her, since she barely awake. She was also very pale from the massive blood loss. He then got to his feet with her, blurring to the hospital.

When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital. That's when she saw her elder childe seated on her bedside. She knew that she'd been lucky. She was sure that she'd been nearly dead when she'd vaguely heard his voice. She'd live now, but still felt weak.

"Hey. You're awake. Welcome back," he greeted her.

"Damon?" she weakly questioned, considering how weak she felt.

"It's just me. I promise," he replied. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that."

She felt his hand on one of hers, before she told him, "Thanks for the save, but it's not your fault what Kai did to me. Just be thankful that you were able to save me in time."

She gave a smile.

"Well, I think when you're ready, we should go. You'll be okay," he replied.

"I'd love that," she replied with a smile.

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