The Sewers (might change the title later)

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Summary: Set in S5, since Kat's human. They get separated in the sewers and she gets injured. Can she be saved? Will she live?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia in the sewers as Damon broke the surface of the water. One minute they were running through the sewers to lose Silas. The next minute they were separated when the sewers suddenly filled with water. Now, as he looked around at the surface of the water, he couldn't see her.
"Katherine!" he yelled for her, over and over, hoping to hear her or for her to hear him.
He dove under the water again, this time deep enough to see the bottom. When he did, he saw her on her back, head against a rock, blood on the left side of her head.
Finally, he though, as soon as he saw her.
Once he reached her, he gently put an arm around her waist, back against him, and soon surfaced with her. Then, looking around, he saw land made of rock that hadn't been touched by the water, so he made his way over there.
Once he was by it, he slid an arm under her legs and the other under her back. He then stepped onto dry land and a ways away from the water, he gently layed her down on her back and looked down at her. Now having her on dry land, he could see that she was pale with blue lips and her head wasn't her only injury. Her stomach was injured as well, which looked like a stab wound, but whatever had stabbed her wasn't there. Also, with vamp hearing, he couldn't hear her breathing or hear her heart. So, realizing she needed revived, he did his best, giving her some air and some heart compressions.
"Come on, Katherine. Come on; Breathe. Come back to me," he said, as he did what he remembered from back when he had fought in the war in 1864.
A few minutes later, she coughed, eyes still closed, but alive.
He sighed in relief.
A moment later, feeling pain, she groaned.
"Katherine," he said.
"Damon?" she whispered, feeling weak from blood loss.
He gently took her jacket off and used it to apply pressure to her lower stomach wound.
"It's me," he assured her.
She gasped in pain and slowly opened her eyes to look up at him.
"You saved me." She gave a weak smile. "Thanks."
"I haven't saved you yet," he answered her.
Starting to see things blurry and having had a mother who, in this century would've been a nurse, suddenly said, "I think I have a concussion or worse."
Realizing she was about to go under again, he knew there wasn't much he could do.
"Hey; Katherine? Stay with me. You hear me? Stay with me."
A moment later, she was swimming in darkness.
He took her right hand and rested it on top of her jacket he was using to try and stop the bleeding. He then took a flashlight out of his jacket and used it as a doctor would to look at her eyes to examine her.
"Katherine, can you hear me? It's me."
A moment later, he put the flashlight away and stopped, realizing she was right. She had a possible concussion. She was also losing a lot of blood.
"Stay with me, Katherine. Keep fighting," he encouraged her, as he used a strip of his jeans to care for her head injury. It was all he could do for now until he could get the chance to find a way to get out. There were rocks blocking both ways out, though. He knew he had to find a way though, before she ran out of air to breathe. He also knew that she was dying. It just depended on whether blood loss would kill her first or lack of air. He couldn't feed her his blood because of what the cure had done to her. He couldn't even properly take care of her wounds without a hospital.
Soon, he was able to tie the strip around her head and head wound.
"I'll get you out of here. I promise. You just need to hang in there," he promised, hoping it was true, as he heard her breathing growing uneven and raspy. He knew it was either the blood loss or the air running out. Then, as he looked her over, he realized that her right collar bone looked dislocated.
He sighed and then gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"I'll be back as soon as I can. I'm gonna find a way out of here."
He got to his feet and went to do just that.

A few hours later, after making a hole in the roof of that part of the sewers, he made it out and into the woods with her.
A ways away from the hole, he gently layed her down on her back. Before he had made the hole, she had ran out of air.
He knelt beside her and gently kissed her, giving her air, before doing heart compressions.
A few minutes later, she coughed and barely saw that she was in the woods with Damon.
He gently pulled her into his arms and got to his feet, heading for the hospital.
"Stay with me, Kat," he said, as he blurred to the route to the hospital, her in his arms, still bleeding out.

Half an hour later, at the hospital, he watched through a window into a room, as doctors did all they could to save her life.

An hour later, she was in the recovery room and he stood at her bedside, waiting for her to awaken.
In the end, she lived and they got back together again.

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