Love Prevails

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Summary: Set in future S8. Damon and human Kat are in love again. Damon is still a vampire and Elena died 20 years ago. When they get trapped inside a collapsed building when an earthquake happens, will she be okay, despite how hurt she is?

It was a nebulous night, as Damon woke up, rumble all around him. There'd been an earthquake, so he and Katherine had gotten stuck inside a collapsed building. He could see that cement was the ceiling now, while the floor was nothing but debris and rumble. He could smell blood, so he assumed that Katherine was hurt somewhere. He couldn't see her, though.

He sat up and scanned the area, as he listened for a heartbeat.

After a moment, he heard it and, after some assessment, located where she was. He then crawled over there and began to dig for her.

"Katherine, can you hear me? Talk to me," he called, as he dug.

Katherine woke up and saw that she was completely buried by rocks. She wasn't very focused, but she could tell that she was quite injured. She could feel blood on either side of her head, which she knew could mean a possible concussion. She also felt like something had stabbed into her abdomen, to the right. She knew she was losing a lot of blood, too.

When she heard Damon and rumble moving, she didn't say anything. She was too injured.

After about twenty minutes, he got her unburied. That's when he saw the damage. There was a rebar protruding from her abdomen, to the right. There was also blood on either side of her head, and she was barely awake from blood loss and her injuries.

He gently took her jacket off, before quickly pulling the rebar out, tossing it to the side, and used her jacket to tie securely around her wound. He then got her against him, her head against his shoulder.

"Stay with me, Katherine. You're gonna be okay. Just stay with me," he told her. He'd spent so much time hating her. Now they were back in love, but he knew if she didn't get help soon, she was going to die. He knew one person that would help if he asked though, so he called her for help.

Caroline was helping out with organizing and telling people what to do, when she got a call from Damon.

"This better be important," she greeted. Not that he would be calling her if it wasn't.

"I need your help getting Katherine out of here. She's dying."

"Where are you?" she had to ask, knowing he was asking her to help him save her life.

He told her where they were, and she agreed to help him. They then hung up.

About half an hour later, they had her out and he got her to the hospital.

A few hours later, after surgery, he was seated on her bedside, waiting for her to wake up. She'd be okay now, which relieved him.

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