I Know What You Did Last Summer (1st revised version)

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Summary: Set in S5E1. What if Damon saved Kat from Silas when he tried to drown her? What if the vervain made Caroline black out when she had that water?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Human Katherine was taking a bath upstairs in Damon's bathroom. She was alone in the Salvatore boarding house, because Damon was dealing with a Jeremy issue. She didn't know what issue it was, but she hoped he would be back soon in case any of her enemies came by to kill her tonight.
Silas, at the moment, pretending to be Stefan, walked into the bathroom.
"What are you doing in my brother's bathroom?" he asked her.
"Isn't it obvious?" she said playfully. "Come join me."
He bent down by the tub.
"You're human. That's good. You deserve it," he said to her, smiling.
Knowing Stefan would never say something like that, she knew he had to be Silas. So she reached over to grab a knife that she had in the corner as a weapon for herself.
He grabbed her by the throat and her head slammed against a part of the tub.
"Now I get to kill you," he said.
She tried to fight him, as he held her under the water, hand around her throat, but he was immortal. He was much stronger than her.

When Damon walked in to see the scene, he through Silas away from her at vamp speed.
"Stay away from her," he warned Silas.
Silas stared him down, before vanishing.
At vamp speed, Damon was by the tub. Without hesitation, he lifted her gently out of the tub and grabbed a white towel. He then layed it on the floor and gently layed her down on it.
"Katherine," he called to her. "It's me. Can you hear me, Kat? Katherine."
He rested a gentle hand on the left side of her face and gently patted her cheek, trying to wake her.
"Katherine, wake up. Come on. I didn't save your life for you to die on me."
She opened her eyes to see him, but she felt weak, light-headed, tired, and disoriented.
"Damon," she whispered.
"Hey," he greeted. "You're okay. You're alive."
"Thanks," she managed.
"You're welcome," he replied.
A moment later, she blacked out.

When she awoke, she saw that she was in his bed in his room, fully clothed, Damon leaning in the doorway.
She sat up.
"You saved my life, Damon. Thank you."
"I know. For now, Silas has left."

Caroline and Elena were at college with Megan as a roommate. They didn't know their roommate and had hoped to see Bonnie. They didn't know where she was, because they hadn't heard from her or seen her on campus.
Megan and Elena weren't in the room. Elena had gone to check out a party, while Megan had gone to join the party. So Caroline decided to do a little snooping around in Megan's stuff. But then when she drank half a bottle of what said Vitamin water, she realized it was vervained water.
She fell to the floor from weakness and the burning sensation. And as she fell, she dropped the bottle and the rest of the water spilled onto the floor and burned her hand and arm from touch. When it did, she screamed in pain. And because there was vervain in her system, the room spun. Then everything went black for her.

Elena walked into the room to tell her about the party, when she saw her best friend and smelled vervain.
Elena was instantly at her side.
"Caroline. Caroline, wake up. Caroline," she called, while hoping Megan wouldn't walk in to see the scene.

When she came to, Elena knew she'd be okay.

When the end of the day was over for everyone, Elena and Caroline went to bed, Jeremy and Damon kept an eye on Katherine, and everyone kept a look out for Silas.

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