Russian Roulette

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Summary: Set in S5. Based on the song "Russian Roulette."

*500 Years of Solitude*

Take a breath, take it deep

"Calm yourself," he says to me

If you play, you play for keeps

Take the gun, and count to three

I'm sweating now, moving slow

No time to think, my turn to go

And you can see my heart beating

You can see it through my chest

Said I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving

I know that I must pass this test

So just pull the trigger

Say a prayer to yourself

He says, "Close your eyes

Sometimes it helps"

And then I get a scary thought

That he's here means he's never lost

It was a beautiful day, as a human Katherine lay in bed, weak, every organ in her body failing, Damon seated on her bedside in a room upstairs.

"Close your eyes," he told her.

"But I want to see you," she argued.

"You will," he assured her.

She closed her eyes and he went inside her head, showing her an 1864 memory that only the both of them shared; back when they were both happy and in so much love. He was doing this to give her peace in her last moments.

*Monster's Ball*

And you can see my heart beating

You can see it through my chest

Said I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving

I know that I must pass this test

So just pull the trigger

As my life flashes before my eyes

I'm wondering will I ever see another sunrise?

So many won't get the chance to say goodbye

But it's too late to think of the value of life

It was a dark night, as she looked at Damon in fear.

"No. Please, Damon. I don't want to die," she begged him, as he held onto her arm, ready to feed her to Silas.

He stopped for a moment, as he looked at her, seeing her fear of dying, but then he fed her to Silas. It killed her, but she somehow ended up coming back to life a few minutes later.

"And she keeps on ticking," he commented.

"Am I in Hell?" she asked.

*I Know What You Did Last Summer*

And you can see my heart beating

You can see it through my chest

Said I'm terrified, but I'm not leaving

I know that I must pass this test

So just pull the trigger

It was a dark night, as they stood in front of each other in his living room. She wouldn't say it, but the way she spoke about her enemies possibly finding out that she was human, gave away her fear of death. Plus, he was a vampire because of her. He could smell her fear.

He bit his wrist.

"Here," he offered, holding it out to her.

She took a minute, thinking about it, before saying, "No; I can't. Nobody's ever taken the cure before. There's a chance that I might not wake up," she explained.

"And that would be tragic," he replied, but put his arm down and his wrist instantly healed. She had a point and he knew it.

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