The Fall of Axel

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Summary: Set in 5x1. She comes to the boarding house to Damon for protection, but he doesn't give her an answer. When a wolf enemy of hers attacks named Axel, will he save her, or will he leave her to die?

It was a dismal night, as a human Kat showed up in the boarding house, waiting for Damon to come home, as she helped herself to a shot glass of Bourbon. Then when he finally came home, she finished her drink.

"It's been a long summer, Damon," she greeted.

"Katherine," he stated, entering the living room. Then he had to ask her, "What are you doing here?"

"I need protection. I'm human now. I'm weak and slow. Do you have any idea what it's like to run in heels? I have blisters, Damon. I have enemies everywhere. If anyone finds out I'm a human, I'm as good as dead. me," she answered and begged him, still half a distance away from where he stood.

Suddenly, before he could answer her, they both heard the window shatter, as Katherine turned around to see a russet werewolf with two different colored eyes, a necklace similar to Freya's around his neck.

"Axel," she stated, before the werewolf launched at her, knocking her down and biting her.

Damon stood there for a few seconds, debating on whether to save her or not, considering the hell she'd caused them all. Then, when he decided on saving her, he grabbed an iron rod by the fireplace and blurred to the scene, stabbing it into its side, making it stop and whine in pain, before it fled.

Once it was gone, he dropped the rod and blurred over to her. He then knelt by her, only to see the damage. Then, once he saw the damage, he blurred upstairs and grabbed some towels, before blurring back.

Once knelt by her, he worked on what looked to be the worse ones, applying pressure to try and stop the bleeding of her lower stomach, as well as her left shoulder.

"Katherine, stay with me. Kat," he called, seeing her starting to go under. He could hear her breathing growing shallow, too. Realizing how bad it was, he gently pulled her into his arms and got to his feet, all the while keeping pressure on her wounds. He then blurred to the hospital.

Half an hour later, shortly after arriving at the hospital, he watched as she was rushed down the hall. All he could do now was wait for them to get her taken care of. No one had ever taken the cure before or, in her case, gotten the cure shoved down their throat, so he didn't want to try vampire blood, afraid of what result it might have on her now that she was human with the cure inside her. He hoped she'd be okay. He always shown and said he didn't care about her anymore, but that was just him keeping his walls up around her, not wanting to get hurt by her again. Now, because of an old werewolf enemy of hers, she was the one hurt. When she'd said the name Axel, he'd immediately known who she was referring to, because she'd told him about certain enemies to be aware of before he had become a vampire. He knew she wanted him to know enemies to be aware of, though she'd never said anything about Klaus back then, so he hadn't known anything related to Klaus. He knew that Axel was someone to be wary of, because he'd do anything he could to get his revenge on her. He clearly wanted her dead. Damon had stopped him though, which he knew meant Axel might come after him. He knew he'd have to be prepared. Especially, when a werewolf bite had only one cure to it. The problem was that Klaus was in New Orleans now. The other problem was that Klaus didn't like him very much. If Damon needed cured, it would be up to Katherine to save him again if she lived through this.

An hour after surviving surgery, she slowly woke up to see that she was in the hospital and taken care of. She also saw Damon seated on her bedside. She also felt his hand on the side of his face. She'd always known that he still cared about her, even if he didn't love her anymore, despite his words and actions, but she hadn't expected that a few years after breaking his heart to save him from possibly getting himself killed by Klaus, but also to break the sire bond they'd had, that he'd ever act this way towards her.

She rested a hand on his that was on the side of her face.

"Thanks," she greeted with a smile. "You saved my life."

"Did you doubt that I would? Our rule still applies, whether we're together or not, despite what I feel. Besides, you're right. I don't want anything to happen to you," he replied and admitted. "What do you say we get you out of here? We've got a wolf to dismember," he added, before giving a smile at that last part.

She gave a smile.

"Let's get out of here and take care of Axel."

Half an hour later, they were at the boarding house, her laying down on his couch.

After about a week, she was healed and they got rid of Axel without Damon getting bitten. He even promised to protect her, in which he did.

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