Love and Protection

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Summary: Set in future S8. When Kat escapes the only prison world left that Kai's trapped in, will someone find Kat in time? Will she live? What will ensue?


I lay on the ground, pain surging through me, my vision starting to blur. I just escaped a prison world that Kai's trapped in. He tried to stop me, which almost killed me right before I got here. I made it to Mystic Falls, but I know I need help. I can't survive on my own. I need someone to save my life. Between my wounds from earlier and the bite on the side of my neck from Kai, I don't know how much more I can take. I know as a human that I can't just stay here while I try to keep from bleeding out from my neck wound, but I don't have much of a choice. The blood loss from my wounds has left me too weak to move. I have to do something, though. I don't want to die. I just got back.

"Please. Someone? Anyone?" I say, unable to speak loud enough. I listen for anyone nearby, but I can't hear anyone.

When my vision starts to turn to gray and I feel my hand loosening on my neck from the blood loss, I hear a very familiar voice.


A few moments later, I feel my elder childe take my hand off and apply pressure with something.

"Stay with me, Katherine," I hear him say. It sounds like he's trying to save my life for once, but he knows like me that I need a hospital. Humans don't usually live long with an open artery. "I'm gonna get you some help. Keep breathing for me."

A moment later, I feel the wind, as my vision starts to turn black.


A few minutes after getting Katherine to the hospital, I watch as they rush her down the hallway to save her life. Although she was horrible before she died for the last time, she's back as a human now. An injured one at that. Despite hating her for the things she's done in the past, I wouldn't leave her to die now. There was a time I would have several years ago when Elena was still alive, but not now. Elena died of old age a long while ago. After everything, if you don't count Caroline still around, I'm alone. Maybe being alone is the reason why I decided to help Katherine now. Or, maybe it's because I have a heart now after Elena changed me into a better person. I hope that she'll live. She got this far, and she didn't get this far just to die. Besides, I know from the ascendant I saw by her that there's only one person she left behind to get here. Kai. Kai did horrific things to Elena, my friends, and my family. I won't let him kill my former sire. Besides, even when I had Elena and was in love with her, there was always a part of me that still felt for Katherine. Especially, the night that Katherine came to me for help after she was turned into a human. Back then though, I had the ability to pretend that I didn't care what happened to Katherine. Now, I don't think I could do that again. If she does come out of this, I know I'm going to have to protect her. She has a lot of enemies. I don't think she can even count the number of enemies anymore.

Several hours later, I go to her room and sit on her bedside, and silently wait for her to wake up.

"Katherine, can you hear me?" I call after a little while, hoping she'll wake up soon.

When I finally see her wake up, I tell her, "I think you're the most luckiest person here."

"And what makes you say that?" she asks.

"Well, considering there's only one prison world now, you survived Kai. And you managed to get out. Sure, you were pretty injured, but you lived. I'm sorry for what I did the last time you were human. This time, I'll protect you. I know you're going to need it," I reply to her.

"Thanks, but what made you change your mind?" she replies to me.

"Well, I guess you can say I'm a better person now. Besides, I wouldn't want Kai to do anymore damage. He did enough damage, before you came back as a demon. Plus, you were right. I do still love you. I was just in love with Elena at the time, so I didn't want to admit it. She's been gone for a long time now."

"In that case, I accept your protection then. Let's get out of here," she replies.

I agree with her and we do just that.

In the end, we go live at the boarding house together. We even get back together again. So, we finally both find our happy ending at last.

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