I Know What You Did Last Summer (11th version)

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Summary: Set in 5x1. A new version of when Silas came after her.

It was a dismal night, as a human Kat finished getting ready, having just taken a bath after Damon had grudgingly decided to let her stay. He always said and acted like he could care less about her, but she knew that deep down, he still cared about her. Even if he didn't love her anymore. It felt good to have a place she could call home again. She'd been through hell trying to be human without much success. Now that she was here, she figured that she'd finally have some protection. Damon hadn't told her that he'd protect her, but she knew if there was an enemy after her, he would. He couldn't resist playing the hero. Plus, she knew that she was right. A part of him didn't want her to die. If he didn't care about her after all, he wouldn't be letting her stay here.

Suddenly, when she turned around to leave the room, she saw someone that looked like Stefan, but she knew he wasn't. After all, Stefan wouldn't hurt her normally. He was too good for that. That's when she knew that it was Silas. She knew that he'd been after her all summer, so that had been one of the many reasons that she'd come here for protection.

"Hello, Katherine," Silas greeted her, as he stood in front of her. Then he pulled the knife out.

She was able to kick him away from her, giving herself a small amount of time to get out of there, but he quickly recovered, grabbing her leg, making her fall to the floor.

"What do you want?" she questioned, as she lay on her back, him above her.

"Nothing personal, but I need to kill you. I need that cure inside of you," he informed her, before she started to feel the knife on the side of her neck. Then, as everything blurred, she vaguely heard a familiar voice.

Damon returned home, only to get hit by a very familiar smell. Blood. He knew Katherine had to be injured, so he blurred to the bathroom, where he saw the scene. Then, after Silas had left, he blurred to her side, where she lay with an injured lower stomach and left side of her neck. He could see that she was growing pale from blood loss. He then grabbed a few towels, using one to tie around her lower stomach wound. He then used the other one to apply pressure to the side of her neck, trying to slow the bleeding from both wounds, as she started to go under.

"Katherine?" he called. "Stay with me Katherine."


He knew he had to get her tended to, so he gently picked her up, keeping pressure on her neck wound, and blurred to the hospital.

Half an hour later, he entered the hospital with an out cold Katherine in his arms.

An hour later, he was seated on her bedside after surgery. Luckily, she was going to be okay.

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