Her Hero

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Summary: Set in S5. Kat gets captured by an old enemy of hers shortly after she gets cured. Can Damon save her?

Katherine blurrily woke up to find her wrists chained by chains that were attached to the ceiling. As far as she could tell, it was an abandoned warehouse of some kind. One of her enemies was there. He was her personal torcherer. She didn't care anymore after losing a lot of blood, though. Losing a lot of blood was only the first on her list of problems. The second problem was that she was sure everyone probably thought she'd left town. That meant that no one would be looking for her. At least, that's what she thought. If anyone was coming for her, which she doubted, they'd have to be quick, though. As a human, she knew she couldn't survive from blood loss like she could as a vampire. And she was already feeling weak.
"Good to see you're still here," he commented to her.
"Just get on with it," she replied to Ambrose.
"As you wish," he replied.
A moment later, the pain came.

Meanwhile, Damon was walking through town, heading for home, but stopped in his tracks. He smelled the scent of blood and a faint scent of Katherine nearby. Knowing she was human and that she had a million enemies, he went to investigate. If an enemy came after her to take advantage while she was only human, he'd help her if he could. No one got to hurt her except for him, but with her being human, he wouldn't dream of hurting her now.
When he got to an abandoned part of town, he found the aftermath. A dagger was left behind along with a lot of blood, which he could sense was Katherine's. He could also smell the scent of vampire, which meant that a vampire had taken her. That made him assume that an enemy had taken her for vengeance or something else.

Ten minutes later, he was searching through every inch of the town in search of Katherine's whereabouts. He was going to kill whoever had hurt and taken her. It didn't matter the reason behind why the vampire had hurt and taken her. Their unspoken rule still applied to this day. Even if he didn't love her. If any enemy came after either of them, the other would kill or give unimaginable torture to the person. It didn't matter if they were both vampires or not.

About an hour later, he finally found the location by scenting her nearby. It was an abandoned warehouse. A perfect place for an enemy to take someone to to do whatever the hell they wanted.
A moment later, when he entered the warehouse, he saw the vampire and a chained up, wounded human Katherine.
In a blur, he pinned the vampire to a wall, hand instantly around his heart. However, he didn't automatically kill him. He wanted an answer as to who he was. If he knew his name, he figured he'd know the reason as to why he'd done what he had to her.
"Who are you?" Damon demanded of him.
"Let me guess. You must be Damon. I watched the two of you for centuries, you know. I'm Ambrose," he replied, not afraid to give him answers. He wasn't afraid to die, either. He'd gotten what he'd wanted. To torture her.
Damon didn't say anything to him. Instead, he ripped his heart out and then let it fall to the warehouse floor. Then, a moment later, he was in front of her. He then ripped the chains off her wrists, before catching her with vamp reflexes before she hit the cement floor. He then gently layed her down to assess her condition.
He rested a hand on the side of her face.
"Katherine, can you hear me? I'm here. Everything's going to be okay. If you can hear me, open your eyes for me," he called to her. He could see that she'd lost a lot of blood from her wounds. There was also a lower stomach wound, open leg artery, and he could hear her breathing growing shallow. He hoped he could get her to the hospital in time. She'd always been a fighter like him, but knew there was only so much that she or anyone could fight.

After a moment of her not moving or speaking to him, he gently picked her up in his arms, blurring to the hospital.

A few hours later, he was seated on her bedside, as she began to come to a while after the surgery.

He rested a hand on hers, as she woke up to see him there.

"You saved me, I assume. Thanks," she greeted.

"Well, no one deserves any of that. Especially, from an enemy," he replied. "How about I take you home," he then offered her, knowing he needed to protect her if he didn't want to see her dead.

She gave a smile.

"That would be great. Thanks."

"You're welcome," he replied.

A while later, he took her to the boarding house to stay. He was going to protect her, no matter what the cost was. He hated her vampire self, but he figured her human self wouldn't be too bad.

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