Uncertainty and Truth

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Summary: Set in the middle of S3. What if Klaus went after Katherine, instead of keeping his eyes on Elena? What if Stefan left town after Klaus freed him from his compulsion? Will Damon and Elena find out that Katherine is in danger, or will it be too late? Is Elena Katherine's long lost daughter? Is that why she has most of Katherine's traits?

A/N: I wrote this before S5, so this would be before we found out about Nadia being Kat's daughter. Just so you know. But by now, you've probably realized that I've done my stories in seasons.

It was a dark night, as Katherine Pierce headed towards the Salvatore boarding house. She was two streets away from her destination.

Suddenly, there he was. Klaus. The enemy. An Original. Seeing him here made her realize that she was in trouble; danger. She couldn't even fight like she wanted to, because it didn't matter.

"Don't you just love happy endings?" Klaus greeted.

She stared at him.

That was the last thing she did before he through her hard enough for her to black out on the ground, head to the left.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy this," he commented.

Meanwhile, Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore were at the boarding house standing face to face. Elena had come to talk to him. A few nights ago, he had kissed her and once again, told her that he loves her. It couldn't be true, right? Sure, she cared for him. But how much? Did she love him? This couldn't be real. Stefan was supposed to be her love, but he had said that she didn't matter to him anymore. Now where did she stand? Was she meant to be with Damon? To help him change? And if so, could she? Change a dark vampire that showed only anger and hatred? Could she do it? And could she; did she love him after all?

"Do you love me?" she asked, looking into those deep, dark, emotionless, black eyes. "Tell me they were just words, Damon. Tell me it isn't true."

He looked back into hers.

"Words like that are always true. I love you. I'll say it until you get it that I actually love you."

Then, instantly, they were kissing, neither knowing which one had started that kiss.

Katherine woke up with a migraine and blurry vision, chained to a wall in a basement. Klaus stood there, a dagger in hand. That's when she realized he was there to torture her. Without warning, he stabbed her with the dagger in the abdomen.

She gasped in pain.

He pulled it out.

Her wound heavily bled.

He grabbed her by the throat tightly.

"Where's Rebekah?"

"I don't know."

He slapped her across the face.

"I know you have to know something."

She was silent.

"Okay. Fine. Time for something else."

A nurse came in.

As she was drained of her blood, she started to feel like she would black out. Before she did, she sent a message telepathically to Damon.

Damon pulled away when a message came to him. Kat. It was very weak, but he heard it.

D-Damon. I-I'm i-in d-danger. K-Klaus. B-basement. H-hurry.

Where are you?

He waited, but there was silence. Something was wrong.

Elena looked up at him, wanting to know why he had stopped kissing her.


"Katherine's in danger. Klaus. We have to hurry."

So they did, hand in hand, Damon using his senses to track her scent to find her.

Katherine was out cold, as Klaus watched the nurse drain her of her blood.

Just then, he sensed them before they were in sight.

"Ah, Damon. How did I know you would come to save her? But Elena, why would you help? You're not much of a Katherine fan. Are you?"

A moment later, Damon and Klaus were fighting head on, vampire against vampire-werewolf hybrid; good against evil.

Elena ran towards her and got the nurse to leave as the vamps fought.


She slowly came to.

"We're here to help," Elena informed her.

Kat smiled weakly.

Elena found keys on the floor and used them to unlock the chains.

After killing Klaus, Damon arrived beside them. He pulled her into his arms on the ground, bit his wrist, and put it to her lips.

Katherine drank.

As she did, her wound healed and her strength was restored.

As Elena and Katherine talked the next day, they spoke of why they are the same. Elena is her family; her relation. Isobel had been Katherine's daughter and Elena's biological mother until Damon killed her a few years ago. Only then did Kat and Damon find out. That made Kat Elena's great aunt.

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