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Summary: Set in S2 and 3. Based on the song "Impossible." Just a songfic for the pairing.

*Flashback- 1864*

I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love

I did

And you were strong and I was not

My illusion, my mistake

I was careless I forgot

I did

It was a beautiful day, as Damon stood in the hall, watching her get ready for the day, in front of the mirror.

"Spying on a lady is a sign of poor manners, Mr. Salvatore," she said, seeing him from her mirror.

"My apologies, Miss Pierce," he replied.

"Why don't you come in and help me with my corset," she said.

He went to stand behind her to help her.

"Promise me that you will return quickly," she said, knowing he was going back to help fight in the war on the south side today.

"I promise."

They smiled, before kissing.

*The Return*

And now when all is done

There is nothing to say

You have gone and so effortlessly

You have won

It was a dismal night in the living room of the Salvatore boarding house. Damon and Katherine had just made out, but Damon had called a pause, wanting to ask her the one question that he had been dying to ask her ever since he had found out that Katherine was alive and back in town.

They stood in front of each other, as Damon said to her, "I have a question. Answer it and it's back to fireworks and red glare. Answer it right and I'll forget how much I loved you. I'll forget the 145 years I've spent missing you. I'll forget everything and we can start over. I just need the truth just this once."

She looked at him.

"Stop. I already know the question and its answer."

He looked at her, waiting for her answer.

"The truth is...I've never loved you. It was always Stefan."

He searched her face for any sign that she might be lying, though she was so great at it that he knew that it would be hard to tell if she was lying to him or not.

She gently took his hands away from her face and walked away, before he could say anything and even more so, before he could do something stupid and reckless like snack her neck or try to kill her.

He stood there, alone, hurt, emotions all over the place now. Mostly though, he was hurt and angry at her. He thought that she loved him back, when apparently she didn't. Unless she was lying. It didn't matter if she was lying to him or not though. All that mattered was that she had hurt him in a way that he had never felt before. Because of the feelings he was experiencing, he through his empty shot glass at the fireplace and it shattered into pieces. Soon though, these feelings escalated into rage and he left the house, feeling the urge to kill someone or something.

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