You Still Have Me

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Summary: Kat escapes a prison world after an earthquake, injured from Kai's aftermath. When human Damon wakes up in the tunnels and sees her, will he save her? Can he?

It was a nebulous night, as she woke up. It appeared that she'd escaped the prison world and Kai, but was elsewhere.

She slowly got to her feet, looking at the chaos. She assumed this had to be the tunnels underneath Mystic Falls. She's been in the caves in the past, so she knew this wasn't a cave. It looked like an earthquake had happened. Then she spotted someone. He'd always been her favorite, despite her words and actions.

She began to limp towards him, since Kai had injured her before her escape.

Once knelt at his side, she rested a hand on the side of his face. 

"Damon?" she called. 

 She looked for the wounds she could see, and realized he was human now. She remembered he'd promised to take the cure with her doppelganger, so she assumed he'd followed through with it. She just hadn't seen him as someone that could be human. Not after who he'd become as a vampire. He'd been created in her image, after all. When she looked for the wounds he had, he didn't seem very injured. He just had some minor wounds, which she was thankful for. She never wanted to see him dead or hurt. She'd always saved him for a reason.

"Damon, it's me. I need you to wake up," she called. Then she took her hand off his face, looking at the unsteady rocks that made up parts of the tunnels. If he didn't wake up for a while longer, she was afraid there'd be a cave in. They were both human, so that could kill them both. She didn't want to die again, but she didn't mind it if she was with him. Even if a cave in didn't happen, she knew she was more injured than him. Anymore heavy blood loss and she could die. Then Kai would win. She knew how to help herself, but she didn't have any medical supplies. It wasn't like Kai stopped long enough to allow her to grab bandages for her wounds.

When Damon woke up after the earthquake, he was on his side. He didn't feel very injured. However, the first person he saw was. He could see the blood, her arm around her lower stomach, and how pale she was. Possibly from blood loss. He made the assumption that she'd dealt with Kai, yet it seemed the first thing she'd done was make sure he was okay. But then again, she'd saved him in the past without regard to her own safety.


He sat up and looked at her. That's when he saw Kai's signature arrow. It was in her leg, but she'd still managed to get on the ground. For him. He also saw her hand shaking a little around her lower stomach wound.

"You decided to wake up," she commented. "So, you're human now."

"We can talk about that later. Right now, we need to get out of here. Definitely, you."

"Believe me, I know," she told him. 

He got to his feet, before putting an arm around her, helping her to her feet. Then they began heading out of that part of the tunnels, him keeping an arm around her in case she couldn't make it all the way. He'd been with Elena long enough to know, even without being a vampire, that she was in terrible shape. She was just always good at not showing weakness. It was a habit after all these centuries. This time though, she couldn't hide how not okay she was. At least, not long.

When they were half way through the tunnels, everything began to go black for her. She assumed from the massive blood loss. She hated weakness, but she couldn't hide it as a human. But she knew, despite how he'd acted when she'd been on her deathbed, he'd do anything to save her if he could. She was safe with him, even if she was dying now.

"Katherine," she heard him say, right before everything went black.

"Katherine," he stated, as he caught her from hitting the ground. He then gently layed her down, before kneeling at her side. "Stay with me, Kitty Kat," he called.

 He took his jacket off, tying it around her lower stomach. To him, it looked to be the worst wound. He then slid an arm under her, his other under her legs, and got to his feet. He couldn't use any super speed, so he just had to hope she lived long enough for him to get her to the Mystic hospital.

When she woke up, she saw that she was at the hospital, Damon seated at her bedside. She felt like herself again, so she assumed she'd gone through surgery and a blood transfusion.

"You made it through," he greeted her. 

"Well, I always try. Even if I don't always want to." 

She sat up in bed. 

He rested a hand on hers. 

"You still have me. I'm not abandoning you anytime soon." 

She gave a smile, in which he returned. 

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