My Prison Rescue (Kat and Damon's POV)

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Summary: Set in future S8 shortly after the finale. Damon is the one that died to save the town, but the demon that tried to destroy it wasn't Kat. Ever since Kat died of old age on her deathbed, she's been in a prison. When Damon ends up in the prison in a prison world, will he save her?


I don't know how long I've been in this cell, stuck, but I'm weak. I can only assume that it's from my injuries. For what feels like years, this place has given me images of others. The images are different than the real people, though. I assume to break me. It's almost like when Damon tried tormenting me in my head when I was on my deathbed. I'm dead though, so I must be in hell. Or, at the very least, my own hell. My injuries I have are from the images of the people in my long life that died, left me, or are alive but insist on hating me forever. I could care less though, as I lay on the floor of the cell, feeling as though my strength to fight anything is gone. Sometimes being human sucks.

A few moments later, as everything becomes distant, I hear a familiar voice from the cell next to mine.

"Katherine?" Damon calls.

"Damon?" I weakly inquire. The real Damon was never here before, so he must've just ended up here. I want to have hope that he'll help me, but I know it would be false hope. Once, he would've saved me, or even helped me, but he proved on my deathbed that he hates me too much.


I have just woken up in a cell after sacrificing myself for the town again, needing to get rid of a demon that wanted to blow up the whole town. Then, when I sit up, I look at the cell next to mine, smelling blood, only to see a very injured and human Katherine. I can tell that she's still alive, but pale. Probably from the blood loss.

"Katherine?" I call.

"Damon?" she weakly questions, but doesn't move much. I know she needs help.

I get to my feet, deciding to try and save her. A part of me may hate her, but I'll always help her when she needs it. As Katherine once said, I can't resist playing the hero. I then use my strength, making the bars bend enough to make an entrance. Then, in an instant, I'm at her side.

"I'm here, Katherine. Stay with me," I assure her.

As I gently pull her into my arms, I can tell how weak she is. She's lost so much blood, she can't open her eyes. And I can hear her breathing growing shallow. I support her head with the crook of my arm.

"I've gotcha. You're gonna be okay. Just keep breathing," I tell her, getting to my feet with her. Then, once I get out of the cell and prison, I blur off to where I see some woods.

About half an hour later, I find and blur inside of what looks like an abandoned hospital. Then, once I find a decent room, I gently lay her down on the table. I then put a breathing mask on her, once I use my jacket as a pillow for her head. I then grab what I need for her wounds, before looking at them to see which are the worst.

Looking at her wounds, I see her side and lower stomach bleeding from being stabbed. There's also blood on either side of her head. Seeing that, I use some towels to stop the bleeding so I can tend to her lower stomach and side. I can only hope that I'm not too late. After all, I can hear her barely breathing.


I feel someone gently pick me up, as I feel the darkness start to come for me. I assume it's Damon, as I hear him speak to me, but I don't have the strength to see if it's really him. Then, what feels like a while later, I feel something under me. Then I feel pressure on my wounds, though I'm too weak to move or say anything.

As I start to see a light, the pain begins to fade.


After her wounds are tended to, apart from her head, I try to get her to wake up. I can't do anything about her head wound, since I don't have experience. She'll be okay now, but I need her awake.

"Katherine, can you hear me? I need you to wake up," I call to her, a hand on the side of her face.


Before I reach the light, I hear Damon urging me to wake up, so I stop. Then the light disappears, and he sounds closer. Then I realize that he saved my life. Then I feel a hand on my face.


When she wakes up, I give a smile, glad to have succeeded at something good for once in a long while.

"You made it," I greet.

"You saved me," she replies. "Thanks. What are you doing here, though?"

"I ended up here when I saved the town recently. Now, let's get you and I out of here."

She slowly sits up.

I help her to her feet and put a hand on her upper arm, helping her just in case.

An hour later, we find a way out and soon get out, coming back to life. I then take her to Meredith for a blood transfusion and her wounds. Then I take her home with me.

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