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Summary: Set in S5E1. Based on the song "Cut" by Plumb. Damon finds an injured Katherine. Will he save her?

I'm not a stranger

No I am yours

With crippled anger

And tears that still drip sour

A fragile frame aged

With misery

And when our eyes meet

I know you see

I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb

Relief exists I find it when

I am cut

It was a nebulous night, as Katherine walked through town. She'd left town for a whole summer after being turned into a human when Elena had shoved the cure down her throat. Now she was back in town after suffering from being homeless, hungry, tired with blistered feet from heels, and suffering from fear. She was also hurt emotionally and physically. She was hurt and angry for being left in the dust by Elijah. She was physically injured because she was worthless as a human and could barely defend herself. She knew she was taking a risk, but she decided to try and get to Damon. He had once loved her the most. Surely he wouldn't turn her away in her time of need, no matter what she'd done in the past.

An hour later, give or take, she grabbed hold of a building wall by an alley, weak with blurry vision and her sight was going. She knew that this meant that she'd lost a lot of blood. She didn't want to die; especially, alone, but she couldn't do anything to prevent it. She could only hope to be found in time.

I may seem crazy

Or painfully shy

And these scars wouldn't be so hidden

If you would just look me in the eye

I feel alone and cold here

Though I don't want to die

But the only anesthetic that makes me feel anything kills inside

Damon was on his way home, not far from an alley after feeding in the woods, when he smelled human blood. And so he decided to follow it.

I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb

Relief exists I find it when

I am cut


I am not alone

I am not alone

When he arrived a short while later in an alley, he stood silent for a moment, debating whether to help her or not, seeing her seated on the ground with her back against the brick wall. There was a dagger in her lower stomach. She was very pale too and had lost a lot of blood; too much blood.

I'm not a stranger

No I am yours

With crippled anger

And tears that still drip sour

But I do not want to be afraid

I do not want to die inside just to breathe in

I'm tired of feeling so numb

Relief exists I found it when

I was cut

He blurred to and knelt in front of her. He could see that she was barely awake. He rested a hand on the side of her face.

"Stay with me. I'm going to save you. Just keep fighting."

He gently picked her up in his arms and blurred to the hospital. He would have healed any normal human, but no one had ever taken or, in her case, gotten the cure shoved down their throat before. He didn't know if she could digest vampire blood and he wasn't taking any risks.

An hour later, after surgery, he was seated on her bedside, a hand on top of hers, waiting for her to wake up. She'd be okay now and he promised himself that he was going to keep her safe and alive.

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