Legacies: Love Remembers

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Summary: Kat comes back to life and because she's human, brings Damon back so he can protect her. Then she gets injured after one of the monsters shows up in the cemetery and she tries to use magic to kill it. Will she live? Will Damon care enough to save her?

It was a dismal night, as Kat appeared in the Mystic Falls road, having escaped the prison world and Kai. She had active magic now after learning how to make her Traveler magic active. Now that she saw where she was and knowing Damon was dead, she headed to the cemetery to bring him back. She'd lied years ago about never loving him. He'd always been the one. It hurt her deep down that he was gone. Plus, she needed him back for protection. She was human and had many enemies. Without protection, she was dead.

Twenty minutes later, she entered the cemetery. Then she soon had him on the ground and was knelt at his side, using magic to bring one of her true loves back to her.

After a few minutes, she'd brought vampire Damon back and was feeding him her blood. After all, she was the only source of blood at the moment. Then, after a few minutes, she saw him grab her arm, now drinking on his own. She knew it was a risk that he could take too much, but she didn't care. She'd die for him if she had to.

Once his skin was normal and he wasn't weak anymore, he let go and looked to see who had brought him back. Someone he thought he would never see again, much less see human again. Katherine.

When he'd stopped feeding from her, she saw him finally look at her. She knew he wasn't happy at being brought back, but she'd lost too many people she cared about in her lifetime. She couldn't live if she didn't have Damon alive.

"Katherine," he stated.

"Welcome back," she greeted. "I know you're probably not happy at being brought back, but I just escaped a prison world and Kai. I'm human, so I need some kind of protection, active Traveler magic or not. Without protection, you know what will happen," she then added.

After she told him that, he understood why she'd brought him back, so he wasn't as mad as he usually would be. Especially, when she'd had to deal with Kai for who knew how long. And he knew she was right, whether he wanted to admit it or not. Her being human wasn't the greatest thing for her. She'd end up dead sooner rather than later without protection. And a part of him would always care for her, so he was willing to give her another chance. Maybe her as a human, as long as she wasn't dying rapidly, would be a better version than her vampire self had been.

"You're right," he agreed. He then added, "I'll protect you then."

She wouldn't say it, but she was happy that he was agreeing to protect her this time. Last time she'd been human, he hadn't protected her.

She got to her feet.

"Let's get out of here then."

She began walking to the entrance of the cemetery, but stopped when she saw a monster there. It looked to be a dragon, but having been in the supernatural world too long, she wasn't really shocked at the existence of a dragon. It did make her pause for a few moments, though. Then she finally threw some magic at it, hoping to throw enough to kill it, but that only angered it. And she was a little too close when it lashed out with a dragon paw, which had claws.

When Damon saw the creature and the attack, while it was distracted still, he blurred over and killed it. Then, in an instant, he was at her side, as she lay on her back on the ground, quite injured.


He looked at her, assessing her wounds. It had only struck once, but dragons were big. He could see that her lower stomach was bleeding, an artery in her thigh had been opened up, and there were some minor injuries too. He was afraid she couldn't digest vampire blood considering the last time she'd been human, though. After assessing all of that, he gently took her jacket off and used it to apply pressure to her leg artery.

After she lay on her back for what felt like ten minutes, she saw Damon kill it. Then she felt pressure on her leg, as well as his hand on the side of her face. She vaguely heard him telling her to hold on, but everything was starting to go black. She knew she was dying, but this time, dying didn't frighten her. She'd died more than once before, after all. What was one more time?

Damon tied her jacket around her thigh, trying to keep her from bleeding out from the artery, but knew he was starting to lose her. He could hear her shallow breathing. She was pretty pale from blood loss too, and she wasn't awake. He wasn't going to let her die, though. Not if he could help it.

Stay with me, Katherine. You're not dying tonight if I can help it. Don't you dare leave me, he thought, as he gently pulled her into his arms and got to his feet, and then blurred to the hospital.

Damon entered the hospital, a pale and barely alive Katherine in his arms. She'd lost a lot of blood by now.

Twenty minutes later, she was on a bed, as they rushed her down the hall and worked on getting her stable.

Several hours later, after she'd survived surgery, Damon was seated on her bedside, waiting for her to wake up. After she'd almost died from bringing him back, as well as the dragon, it made him care to the point that he didn't know what he'd do if she hadn't made it. A part of him would always care, even though he still hated her for the past things she'd done as a vampire, but she was still his sire. 

Later, she recovered and was able to go home with Damon, so Damon took her home. Then, after a few months, she and Damon got back together. So, they both found their happy ending at last. 

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