The Return (Datherine)

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Summary: Set in 2x1 "The Return." What if the reason she wasn't in the tomb was because she recently got turned back into a human? When she goes to Damon and tells him what happened, will he protect her, having been searching for her for 145 years? If so, can he protect her from all the enemies that come for her?

It was a dismal night, as a newly turned back human Katherine headed on the route to the Salvatore boarding house. She hadn't known that there was such a thing as a cure for being a vampire, so she hadn't expected to be given the cure unwillingly by a vampire enemy. She'd eventually been able to kill said vampire enemy, but now she needed to get to the boarding house. She'd traveled a long way to get to Mystic Falls to find Damon. If he still loved her deeply, she knew that he would protect her with his life. She just hoped it wouldn't come down to that. She was human now. He was supposed to outlive her. Not the other way around. And despite hating the fact of being human again, she'd be okay with it as long as she had Damon at her side. 

About twenty minutes later, she entered the boarding house, still wearing her usual outfit she'd worn as a vampire. After all, it wasn't like human her could buy a new set of clothes and shoes. Vampire her had relied on her abilities. Not money. Now though, she was gonna need money to buy things. That, or she was gonna have to steal some clothes. 

When she entered the living room, she found Damon. He was having a shot glass of Bourbon, as usual. She didn't want to ruin his moment though, so she leaned against the threshold entrance of the living room, waiting for him to turn around.

After a few moments, and once he'd finished the glass and set it on the table, he finally turned to look at her. Seeing her presence was shocking, since she hadn't been in the tomb less than a year ago when he'd opened it.

"Katherine?" he inquired.

She entered the living room to go over to him, giving him a smile, assuring him, "It's me."

"What happened? I thought you were dead," he needed to know.

"Bad turn of events. A cure for vampirism was shoved down my throat by a vampire enemy, though I was able to kill him. I didn't know there was a cure. Now, I'm human. I need protection, but I also came back for you," she replied.

"Well, I could always turn you back," he offered, as they stood inches in front of one another.

"I love the offer, but no one's been turned back into a human from a cure before. I don't want to chance it," she answered him.

"You know, I'll always protect you when you need it," he replied.

She rested a hand on the side of his face with a smile, glad that he'd accepted to protect her.

"I wouldn't expect anything else from you, my sweet, innocent Damon," she replied.

He gave a smile. Then, after looking at one another for a few minutes, they began to kiss.

The next day, he woke up next to her, her still asleep. He wanted to let her sleep though, so he quietly got up and ready for the day. And for once in 145 years, he was happy. He was reunited with Katherine. He didn't care that she was human. Just that she was back, as well as alive and well. He loved her, no matter what species she was.

When she woke up and was ready for the day, she came downstairs and saw Damon in the living room.
"You're awake," he commented. "You're probably hungry, so let's get you something to eat," he added, which she was thankful for. Then they left so she could eat, heading for the Mystic Grille.

About a week later, one of Damon's few enemies came to town. A vampire named Clyde. Clyde was willing to do whatever it took to get back at Damon for the past, so he was quite vengeful. Damon and Clyde had crossed paths a hundred years ago. Since Damon's humanity had been turned off at the time, not wanting to feel the pain from being apart from Katherine, he'd killed people that Clyde had cared about. And so, they had become enemies. And now, Clyde was going to the next step. He was going to make Damon suffer the consequences.

When Kat woke up after being taken, she was tied to a chair with ropes. Apparently, the vampire thought rope was okay, because she was human now. Like most vampires, he saw humans as people below him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she asked, having never seen him before. Human or not, she always made her business to know who someone was that wished her harm.

"You can call me Clyde," he replied, as he approached. "You and I have someone in common. Humanity on or not, he killed some people I cared about a hundred years ago. I aim to make him suffer for that, before I kill him."

When he told her that, she realized what he meant. She knew that the person he meant was Damon. After all, she'd never known Elijah to turn his humanity off. Elijah was too noble for that.

"What are you going to do?" Kat asked.

"That's none of your business," Clyde replied.

Damon had just gotten home, when he got a call. Not knowing who it was, he picked up. Before he could say anything though, a very familiar voice told him, "If you want to see your sire alive, let's settle an old score."

"Believe me, if you hurt her, we'll do more than that," he threatened Clyde.

"Oh, don't worry. She's in one piece. For now," he replied, before hanging up.

About an hour later, Damon finally found the abandoned warehouse they were in. When he did, he could see that Katherine was still alive, but had a lower stomach wound. After seeing that, he then faced Clyde.

Katherine blurrily watched the fight between them. She knew she was losing a lot of blood. She also knew that if Damon survived this, he'd take care of her. He would never let anything bad happen to her if he could help it. She could see them fighting over a stake, though. She knew when that happened that it wasn't good for Damon. Then, a moment later, magic swept through the warehouse, separating the vampires and making Clyde land on the stake, killing him. That's when, even injured, she realized that her fear of losing him had activated her possible Traveler magic. Since she'd been a vampire, she hadn't known that she had any magic until now. It was surprising, considering her mother had stopped using real Traveler magic, though she'd used what she could to heal those that needed it. After all, her mother had been what this century would call a nurse or doctor.

Damon, not giving what had happened a second thought, blurred over to Kat and snapped the ropes in two. As he did, everything began to go black for her.

"Hang on, Katherine," he said, before gently picking her up and blurring her to the hospital.

A few days later, when she was well, he took her home. That's when he finally quizzed her on what happened, which led her to telling him what he hadn't known. That she was descended from Travelers, even though her mother had technically turned her back on the Travelers.

Weeks later, they both were able to take down each enemy of theirs that tried to seek vengeance on them, both of them using their abilities to do so. By doing so, it sent the message not to mess with either of them, so they finally got the peace that they both deserved. Therefore, they finally got their happy ending at last. 

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