Can't Let You Go (Datherine)

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Summary : When an earthquake happens when Kat's human, can she be saved?

It was a dismal night, as Damon searched through the chaotic streets for the only person that mattered right now. Katherine. He weaved around others, needing to know if she was okay. There'd been an earthquake. Now, people were separated. And Katherine was a human in this mess. There were a million things that could hurt or kill her. He needed to find her. He didn't care much for her vampire version, but her vampiess version could take care of herself. Her human version, not so much. And because of the cure making her human, no one wanted to try vampire blood on her.

Suddenly, he received a call.

"Please, tell me Katherine's with you, blondie."

"Let's just say I need your help," she replied.

"Where are you?" he asked.

She told him which store she was in, which had a lot of injured people inside. Then she hung up, and he headed for the store.

Damon entered the destruction to see a lot of injured people. Because of the amount of people there, he couldn't see Caroline yet. He could also smell blood from the injured people, but one direction of it told him the approximate direction of where Katherine was. He'd know her blood anywhere, after all. And so, he went around all the humans until he located her. That's when he saw her injured, Caroline knelt by her. That made him realize what she'd needed him for. This was something she couldn't do without blood. And Caroline didn't know as much as he did when it came to tending to wounds.

He rushed over and knelt on the opposite side of Katherine Caroline wasn't knelt down by.

"You get all of these people out of here. I'll take care of Katherine. I'll let you know if I need your help. Go," he instructed the blonde.

Caroline went to do as she was told, knowing better than to argue with him.

He took his jacket off, using it to apply pressure to her lower stomach wound, before using his free hand to rest on the side of her face.

"Stay with me, Katherine."

When Kat woke up, she saw that she was in the hospital, taken care of, and that Damon was seated on her bedside. Caroline wasn't anywhere to be seen, so she assumed she'd gone home. Or that Damon told her he could deal with the situation without her.

"You saved me. Thanks," she said.

"Well, I wasn't going to let you die like that," he replied.

She gave a smile at that.

After she was allowed out of the hospital, he took her home, and they rekindled their relationship.

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