The Cell (2nd revised version)

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Summary: Set in S5E9 "The Cell." What if Wes captured human Kat and Damon, instead of Elena and Damon?

Damon woke up in a cell, Katherine in a cell beside his. He knew without a doubt that he was back in the Augustine Vampire Society's lair. This time around though, he was accompanied by his human sire; Katherine.
He sat up and looked at her, as he reached his arm through the bars to wake her to make sure she was okay. She was human now, so it was quite easy for her to get hurt. Besides, he had made a promise to her that he would protect her. Damon was many things, but he never broke his promises.
"Katherine. Wake up, Katherine," he said, as he gently shook her.
A few minutes later, she came to.
He stopped and brought him arm back inside his own cell.
She slowly sat up and then looked at him.
"What the hell? Where are we?"
"Welcome to the Augustine Vampire Society."
"Okay, I get why Maxfield would capture you, but why me? I'm human now."
"Well, maybe he wants to do a different kind of experiment on you, since you're human."
"We have to get out of here," she said.
"I know. We'll get out of here. We need to find out how and make a plan, though."
They got to their feet.
She looked at him again.
"How did you get out last time?"
"A member opened the door after the fire started," Damon informed her.
Wes soon came in and shot Damon, before taking Katherine to his experiment lab.

When Damon woke up in his cell, Katherine and Maxfield were gone. He knew that that meant that she was being experimented on first.
He got to his feet and started looked for a way out of his cell, knowing he could be doing anything with her.

Katherine lay on an autopsy-like table, a tube in her arm that went into a bucket, weak, vision blurry and dim. She could tell that she was in Wes' lab and that he was doing something with syringes and something liquid. Beyond that, she didn't know what was going on exactly.

When he found the lab, he through Wes away from his sire and took the tube out of her arm and took off the metal restraints for her wrists and ankles. He then gently picked her up in his arms and carried her out, heading home to the Salvatore boarding house.

Once in his room, he gently layed her down in his bed and sat on her bedside, waiting for her to awaken.

When she came to, she was in Damon's room in his bed with him seated on her bedside, feeling better than she had been in the lab.

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