Rescue Me

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Summary: Elena finds a hurt Katherine. Will she be okay?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Elena walked home. When she was on the Whickery bridge, she saw Katherine Pierce laying in the water.

After she pulled her out and layed her down, she saw that she was badly beaten up and had a lot of claw marks and a bite to the side of her neck.

As Elena held her in her arms, she cut her wrist with a pocket knife she always carried and put it to her lips. When she didn't respond, she positioned her head gently back so the blood would go down her throat. While she did that, she called someone.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Damon, Katherine's in trouble. I'm on the Whickery bridge," she told him, and then explained to him what shape she was in.

"I'm on my way." Then before hanging up, he said, "Katherine, if you can hear me, you're going to be okay."

A few minutes later, he was knelt down beside them and took her from Elena.

Kat, please give me a sign that you're still with me, he thought to her, as he looked down at her.

A few minutes passed before a weak answer came.

Help me, Damon. I'm dying.

He looked at Elena.

"Let's get the cure. Shall we?" he said before gently picking his sire up in his arms and carrying her.

Once there, he gently layed her down on the couch and went to the cooler downstairs where the leftover of Klaus' blood was at. He then got it out and went to stand by his sire.

He lifted her head and poured some down her throat.

Afterward, he layed her head gently back down.

She soon got better.

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