Saving Her

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Summary: Set in S5. Kat recent was turned human in the S4 finale. Now, she's on her own. When she gets injured when she gets taken by an enemy, since she wouldn't be one to go quietly, will she be okay? Will she live through a vampire enemies torture, or will Damon get a feeling that he needs to find her to make sure she's alive? If he does find her, will she live to see another day?

It was a dismal night, as Kat woke up in what appeared to be a basement, still in a cell. She didn't know how long it had been. She just knew she was in trouble. She missed being a vampire even more now, because as a vampire, she could've used her thoughts or dream world to get herself help. Now, she had to wait to see if she'd be rescued. If she got rescued, she had to live long enough. She was sure it had been a few hours or so, so she was afraid she'd die from her injuries. She was injured from the capture and torture. She was weaker than when she'd been captured, after all.

After Elena had gone off to college, he'd searched for Katherine, something telling him that something was wrong. He didn't love her anymore, but he did care if she lived or died. He wouldn't leave her to die. He was better than that. She was a human now. He doubted that after being a vampire for so long, she remembered how to even remotely be a human. If she was injured via enemy or even just by accident or something else, their unspoken rule still applied. He'd give hell and kill whoever hurt her.

When he finally caught her faint scent, he followed it, which led him into a basement of an old abandoned building. It looked almost like an old jail for prisoners back in the day. Maybe even captives or something. He then saw in one of the cells, the one person he was here to save. And, after he'd ripped out the vampire's heart, he blurred over to her cell, breaking the lock and opening the door. He then went in and knelt at her side. She was seated against the back wall, head against the bars of the cell. He could see and smell blood. She was injured.

He blurred to kneel at her side, and saw that she'd lost a lot of blood. She was pale from blood loss with blood on the right side of her face. He also saw that she had many wounds, but the ones that stood out to him were her head as well as her lower stomach and open thigh artery.

"Katherine, it's me. Can you hear me? Open your eyes," he called, but she didn't respond.

He gently pulled her into his arms and go to his feet, before blurring for the hospital, hoping she'd live through this. Pain in almost everyone's asses or not, she didn't deserve anything like this.

When she woke up, she saw that she felt a lot better and was in the hospital. She then noticed Damon by the door, apparently guarding her from anyone that wished her harm.

She slowly sat up in bed.

"You're lucky I decided to go back for you after everything," he told her, and then went over and sat on her bedside.

"Well, I'm glad you did," she replied. "Thanks."

"Don't expect me to keep rescuing you."

"Don't worry. I don't expect that. I also didn't expect an enemy from my past coming to town."

"Well, he's dead, so you don't have to worry about him."

"Thanks then," she replied.

She gave a smile.

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