Will You Save Me?

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Summary: Set in future VD S8. After she escapes Kai, Damon finds her scathed with poison running through her veins. Can he save her? Can she be cured in time?

It was a dismal night, as a human Kat leaned her side against a brick wall. She'd just escaped Kai and a prison world scathed. Her vision was blurry and going dim. She needed help, but she felt too weak to walk, much less stand without the wall or help. Being unfortunate to have met the bastard Kai, she wouldn't put it past him to have poisoned her in some way.

Damon was heading home after the Mystic Bar and Grille, when he smelled two familiar scents nearby. Human Katherine and blood. Then, when he looked around, he saw her in the distance. Despite the past, he'd always help if he could. They had an unspoken rule with each other to save one another when it came to an enemy. Even before he'd forgiven her, he would've never left her for dead.

 He blurred to her side, which was when he saw how injured she was. There was an opened thigh artery and her wounds looked like she'd been stabbed. She was pale from all the blood loss too, and she wasn't fully awake.


He put an arm around her, which was when she collapsed. He then caught her from hitting the ground, before gently picking her up, blurring her to the hospital.

Several hours later, he was seated at her bedside, a hand on hers. She'd survived surgery, but now she had to survive long enough for them to find a cure. It appeared that she'd been poisoned. If this was Kai's doing, which he assumed it was, he'd rip his head off again if he saw him again.

"Katherine, it's me. Can you hear me?" Then, after a moment, "If you can hear me, I need you to fight with whatever you have left. I'm not letting you go this time. I'm here for you. And I promise I'll make him suffer if I ever see him again. No one gets away with hurting you without consequences." He then added, "I'm sorry for tormenting you on your deathbed last time. I shouldn't have done that. I guess you could say that I've somewhat changed."

It took several weeks, but they were able to cure her at last. Now, they just had to wait for her to heal and wake up.

Once more, he was seated on her bedside. He never thought he'd care again, but he did. And he hated seeing her like this. She hadn't been able to digest blood last time she'd been human though, so he didn't dare try it.

He rested a hand on the side of her face, careful of the breathing mask.

"Come on, Katherine. I need you to open your eyes for me," he called to her. "You're gonna be okay now. You just need to heal now," he informed her, even though he didn't know if she could hear him. "I know you've been through hell, Kitty Kat, but you still have something to fight for. I'm here, no matter what."

About two weeks later, she awoke to see she was in the hospital, Damon seated on her bedside, and she felt cured. She knew from that that his words had been true. He hadn't abandoned her, nor left her for dead.

She slowly sat up in bed, looking at him. 

"Thanks. I heard you." 

She gave a smile. 

"I'm glad. Now, let's go home." 

He gave a smile. 

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