I Alone

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Summary: What if Damon found a very human and injured Katherine? Will he help her? What will ensue?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, as Damon walked through the woods after having his dinner, heading home.
Suddenly, in the middle of the woods, he stopped, seeing a figure lying on the ground.
At vamp speed, he was instantly knelt at the girl's side, only to see a human Katherine. She was bleeding, on her side, out cold, pale, and mainly looked like crap. He thought about killing her to put her out of her misery and just for spite, but decided against it. Something about killing her when she was vulnerable didn't seem right. Besides, he wanted to know how she got here. He and the others had seen Stefan kill her with the Traveler knife.
He sighed.
He gently pulled her into his arms and bit his wrist, putting it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat to heal her, as he supported her head with the crook of his arm.
A few minutes later, he took it away and slid his right hand under her legs. He then got to his feet with an out cold, non-healing Katherine.

Half an hour later, Katherine lay on her back on a hospital bed, Damon watching the doctors figure out the extent of her injuries. Why his blood hadn't healed her, he didn't know.
A few minutes later, they rushed her down the hallway to take care of her.

When she lay in a recovery room in bed, Damon walked in, closing the door behind himself, and stood at her bedside.
He looked down at her, hoping she'd wake up soon.

When she finally woke up, he went straight to the point.
"Damon?" She questioned, having not known she had succeeded in going back home.
"What are you doing here? What the hell happened to you?"
"I assume you found me, so thanks. I used the ascendant to get back home. As for what happened to me, someone named Kai tried to take my Traveler magic for himself."
Damon refrained from growling, but he didn't like that Kai had hurt his sire like he had. Even Katherine didn't deserve what she got.
"You saved my life. Thanks," she said to him with a smile.
"You're welcome."
He smiled back.
A moment later, they were kissing.

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