I Know What You Did Last Summer (9th revised version)

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Summary: Set in S5E1 "I Know What You Did Last Summer." What if, during the fight over the wheel, the car didn't end up smashing into the street light pole? What if it went off the Whickery bridge?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Katherine Pierce fought over the wheel with Jeremy.

Suddenly, the car went off the Whickery bridge and her head hit the window. Then everything went black. Jeremy was fine though, and left.

A few hours later, after a late night dinner, Damon saw the car below the water with Katherine in it, so he dove in to save her.

Once he had layed her gently down on her back on the Whickery bridge, he looked down at her, as he knelt by her and assessed her condition. He could tell that she was still alive, but had a head injury and some scratches. She was wet, pale, and cold from the water, too.

He gently pulled her into his arm and walked home with her in his arms.

When she woke up, she was in Damon's bed in a pair of her own dry clothes, Damon seated on her bedside.

"Thanks," she said.

"You're welcome," he replied.

They smiled at each other.

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