I Don't Deserve You (Datherine)

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Summary: Set in S8. Based on the song "I Don't Deserve You." Katherine comes back to life after being in a prison world and saves Damon from his stupidity when she finds him in a very dark place. In return, he saves her. What will ensue between them?

You're the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
You're the reason that I'm alive
You're what I can't live without
You're what I can't live without

It was early morning turning into dawn, as a human Katherine began walking, having escaped a prison world, when she saw someone on one of the hills past the tree line. He seemed familiar, so she began walking towards the guy that had his back to her and, once she was at the tree line, she knew who it was. She'd know him anywhere, no matter what. She could see that he was finishing a bottle of Bourbon, obviously in a lot of emotional pain. She also could see that he had his ring off. Considering the sun was starting to come up, she knew what he was planning to do. She couldn't let him die; never.
She walked up to him and snatched the bottle from him and grabbed his ring from the ground.
"What do you think you're doing? You don't get to die, no matter what you're going through," she blurted at him, as she stood in front of him.
"One, how are you alive? Two, you don't get to tell me what to do. You don't know what I've been through. Elena's gone and I've hurt many and almost killed Enzo. I killed Sarah too. She was the last of our living family. Sybil, a siren, got inside my head and made me do things. The world would be better off without me," he replied.
Hearing this, she knew what he was going through. It pained her to see him in pain, but she didn't want him dead. She'd lied to him to make him let her go. She loved him and always would.
"I ended up in a prison world after I died and just escaped with an ascendant," she answered him. She then tried to reason with him. "Just because you did those things and you're in pain doesn't give you the right to do this. You have people that care about you. You can't die. I won't let you. Just put your ring on and let's talk."
She held out his ring to him.
"It gives me plenty of a right. Besides, why do you care? You said it yourself. You never loved me. It was always Stefan. Just leave me to die in peace."
"I know you're not going to believe me, but I always loved you. I didn't want to hurt you, but I knew Klaus was getting close. I had to protect you. If he knew we loved each other, he would've killed you to hurt me more. I did what I had to do to save you. And then you fell for Elena, so I figured it wouldn't matter if I told you anyway once he left," she explained to him.
"Why tell me now then?" he replied, testing to see if she was telling him the truth.
"Because I need you alive and so do the others that care about you. Please, don't do this, Damon. I know you didn't spare my life, but I'm asking you to spare your own," she encouraged her elder childe.
He sighed, seeing that she was nearly begging him to live, making him see that she was telling the truth.
"Fine. You've been convincing enough."
He took his Daylight ring from her and put it on.
She sighed in relief.
"Now why don't we go some place to talk," he suggested.
She smiled.
"Good idea."

You never give up
When I'm falling apart
Your arms are always open wide
And you're quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
You love me in the blink of an eye
I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you
You're the light inside my eyes
You give me a reason to keep trying
You give me more than I could dream
And you bring me to my knees
You bring me to my knees
Your heart is gold and how am I the one
That you've chosen to love?
I still can't believe that you're right next to me
After all that I've done

He rested a gentle hand on the side of her face, seeing that she was quite injured from her time in the prison world.
"You sure you don't need any help before we talk?"
He looked at her, seeing that she looked like hell and had a lot of wounds and blood on either side of her head.
When he asked that, she was suddenly aware of how injured she was from that prison.
"I look like hell," she commented, before everything went dim for her.
Damon caught her from hitting the ground and then gently picked her up in his arms.
"You're gonna be okay. Stay with me," he encouraged, before blurring off to get her to the hospital. He lost Elena. He couldn't lose her too. She'd been his first love. Apart from that, she'd just saved him from killing himself. He felt like he owed her. It was his turn to save her. He needed to make up for being an ass to her when she'd been dying and for feeding her to Silas, as well as for trying to kill himself today. This was his way of making up for all of that.
She felt wind, as she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, letting her know that he was going to save her one way or another, whether he still loved her or not.

I don't deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can't get enough
You're everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It's what you do
And I don't deserve you

A few hours later, after she survived the surgery, Damon was seated on her bedside, a hand on her right one, waiting for her to wake up.

An hour later, when she woke up, she saw that she was in a hospital bed with Damon seated on her bedside, a hand on hers. She smiled.
He smiled back. "You made it through."
"Well, I always do manage to survive somehow," she replied.
"That you do," he agreed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad you're alive. Thanks for saving me from my own stupidity. I guess you made me realize when you almost died that I never stopped loving you," he replied.
"You're welcome then." She slowly sat up in bed. "And I never stopped loving you either."
A moment later, after their confessions, they began kissing romantically and lustfully.

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