Together We Help

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Summary: Set in S6. What if Damon ended up in a different prison world and found an injured Katherine? Will he care enough to save her? What will ensue between them?


I don't know where I am, but it's all darkness until I open my eyes. I realize when I do, that I'm in some kind of cell with only one window to give me light. The last thing I remember is being swept away by a black mass. I thought I was going to hell for my sins, but maybe I'm not in hell. The next thing I notice is that there are chains on my wrists and I can hear others in a few cells down from mine. Then I hear footsteps coming towards my cell.
"You must be Katherine," the guy in front of my cell says. "We have a lot in store for you."
I look at him, as he speaks to me. And as he speaks that last part, I know that whatever it is that they have in store for me, I know I won't like it one bit. I have to get the hell out of here, no matter what, or I may not make it. As a vampire, I would have survived anything but a stake, but as a human, I won't be able to survive this, no mater what it is in store for me. And I have nothing to help me hold on.
The guy smiles at me, but it's not a friendly one. Instead, it's more like an evil one. At this moment, everything I have gone through with Klaus for 500 years seems little compared to this.
I stand up, determined not to show my fear; any weakness. Fear is weakness that I can't let the enemy see nor sense. Weakness makes you vulnerable and Katherine Pierce never shows vulnerability. I have to keep up the Katherine facade to keep strong. I just don't know how long it will last. How long will I be able to maintain my strong-will, when I have nothing and no one to live for? Nadia and all my friends are dead, Damon and Stefan hate me, and Elijah has given up on me. I don't know what I'm fighting for anymore or why. It would be such a relief to stop fighting.
The guy takes my arm from between the bars and injects a syringe into it, but I don't fight. It's pointless, so why try? He then lets go of me and takes the syringe out of my arm.
"We'll see each other soon. For now, I want you to get some sleep."
I watch, as he walks away. Then, before I know it, I'm swallowed by darkness again.

What feels like days later, I lay on my back in pain, weak from the torture, eyes closed, wishing I was anywhere else but here. This is worse than everything I've been through in all my 500 years. All I want right now is to sleep and to never feel a thing again. That's how excruciating the pain is.


I'm walking through a small town someplace, trying to figure out where I am, when I see a kind of prison. I'm curious as to why it's here, since it's out of character to have a prison like this in the middle of a small town, so I decide to investigate.

When I get inside, all there is are hallways full of different cells. Not every cell is empty. Most have different species in them by the smell. Then I sense the scent of someone I did not want to see ever again. My sire; Katherine Pierce. I follow the smell to the cell, which is one of the middle cells.
I stand at the door to her cell and look down at her. There's no bed in her cell; just a cement floor with chains on her wrists that connect to the wall. Her skin looks burnt and her clothes are torn in some places. She's on the floor on her back, eyes closed, and I can smell the familiar scents of human and blood. That's when I realize that she's injured.
With inhuman strength, I force the door open and instantly kneel at her side. Now that I'm closer, I can see that she's pale; probably from blood loss. I snap the chains off her wrists and rest gentle hands on either side of her face.
"Katherine?" I call to her, hoping she can hear me.
When she doesn't respond, I take my hands away and then gently pull her into my arms and get to my feet. I then blur away until we're some distance away from the prison.

Once in the bedroom of one of the vacant houses, I gently lay her down on the bed and then sit on her bedside. I bite my wrist and put it to her lips, making my blood go down her throat to save her life.
A few minutes later, I take my wrist away which instantly heals. Then, amazingly, I watch as her wounds heal. Maybe, if I'm lucky, she'll be okay and she can tell me where we are and what the hell happened to her. She's still out though and a little pale, but she looks better than she did a few minutes ago, minus the sweating and fever.
I silently look down at her, not knowing what else to do for her. I already healed her wounds and saved her life, but there are some things vampirism can't cure for humans.
My mind flashes back to four years ago when I nearly died from a werewolf bite, which is kind of what she looks like right now. Thinking of that, I know there's only one other thing I can do for her.
I get to my feet and head to the bathroom to get a couple cool, wet wash cloths; one for her forehead and one for her face.
When I return, I sit on her bedside once more and rest one cloth on her forehead. The other I use to damp on her face. All I can do now is try to cool her down and wait for her to awaken.


I don't know how long I'm out, but when I come to, I'm in a room with Damon wetting my face with a cool wash cloth. He must've saved me since I no longer feel like I'm dying of blood loss. Now I just feel a mixture of hot and cold. I'm thankful for what he has done for me, but he's the last person I want to see right now. He tormented me on my deathbed, after all. I'm still weak, but I manage to scoot away from him and sit up in bed, my back against the wall, and he doesn't stop me.
"Go away," I say, but it's not my firm voice I'm speaking with. It's almost a whisper, which I didn't expect. I must be worse off than I thought.


When she backs away from me and tells me to "go away," all I can do is sit there and look at her. The Katherine I know, both human and vampire, would've stood up to me instead of backing off and looking at me the way she is. I guess I do deserve it for treating her the way I did on her deathbed, though. I never would've expected her to look at me or act like this towards me. The way she's looking at me right now isn't a new look for me. I've seen it in every human I have ever killed for the past 145 years; fear.
"Just stay away from me," she adds in a soft voice.
I want to tell her not to be afraid of me; that she can trust me; but I know she won't believe me.
"I know you're afraid of me after what I did to you, but you need my help and I need yours. We need to get out of here so we can go home. I know you don't have a reason to trust me, but for once, my intentions are not to harm or kill you. I want you to trust me so we can find a way out of here," I reason.
She silently looks at me, but finally she doesn't look afraid of me anymore, which is a good sign.
"You're right. Let's get out of here," she says to me.
It relieves me, when she agrees with me. I don't know why, but it does for some reason.
"Do you know where we are?" I ask her.
"I've been in a cell all this time, so no; I don't know exactly where we are. I can only guess from the vacancy that we're in a prison world, " she answers me.
I've never heard of a prison world before, but it sure as hell doesn't look or sound good.
"When you feel better, we can find a way out. Right now, you need to recover. You can barely move," I tell her.
"Thanks," she replies.
I'm surprised when she thanks me for what I'm doing for her, but I don't let her see my surprise.
I watch, as she lays back down where she was before.


A moment after I lay down, I start to feel shaky and my vision goes blurry and dim. Everything seems so far away, as my vision goes gray and I hear him.
"Katherine? Katherine," he calls to me, sounding concerned. "Can you hear me, Katherine? Stay with me, Kat."
I want to tell him that I can hear him, but I can't as my vision goes black.


I rest a gentle hand on the left side of her face, as I look down at her. I wish I was a doctor at this moment, but I'm not. I don't know what to do, so I listen with vampire hearing. Her heart is its normal rhythm, but she looks shaky and her breathing sounds restricted. It's like she's having muscle spasm and can't get enough oxygen; almost like a seizure. I don't know what I should do for her, so I do the only thing I can think to do, apart from snapping her neck.
I bend down and kiss her a couple times, breathing some of my own air down her throat, which seems to work.
I stop and look down at her, listening again. Sure enough, it works and her breathing is back to normal and her heart is still regular, but she's still having muscle spasms. I don't know how to help her now. All I can do is watch.


When I wake up, I see that he hasn't moved and I'm feeling better.
He gives me a small smile.
I smile back.

After he and I have eaten in the kitchen, we soon set to work to find a way out.

A few days later, we make it home with help from the ascendant.

VD: Datherineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن