Childe To The Rescue

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Summary: Set in S2E "The Last Day," when Damon came to see if Klaus had killed Kat or not and to give her some vervain. What if he found the apartment on fire and Kat bitten? Will he help her? Will she live?

A/N: Based on a dream I had.

It was a beautiful day, as Damon Salvatore headed for Alaric Saltzman's apartment. He wanted to see if she was still alive or not. If she was, he had a vial of vervain to give her.

When he arrived, he could smell smoke, so he opened the door to see the apartment on fire with his sire on her back on the floor, out cold.

He entered the apartment and avoiding the fire, went to her and knelt beside her.

"Katherine? Katherine," he called to her, looking down at her, hoping for her to awaken.

When she didn't, he realized that something was wrong, so he looked her over, only to see that there was a bite on her left arm. He knew he had to get her out of there and save her life, so he went to the kitchen in search of her Daylight ring, which, after a few minutes, he could. He then went back to her and slipped it back on her finger.

He gently picked her up in his arms, grabbed a few vials that he assumed to be Klaus' blood, and headed for home.

Once in his room, he gently layed her down in his bed. He then put a vial of the blood to her lips, making it go down her throat. And once it was finished, he set the empty vial on the end table. He then sat on her bedside, his hand in hers, and waited for her to come to.

When she woke up, she saw where she was and who was with her. She also realized that she was cured.

She looked at him and smiled.


"Who did this?" he asked her.

"Klaus. He was mad, so he took it out on me. You saved my life, Damon. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

They smiled at each other.

It was such a moment, they couldn't help but kiss. So they made out, not knowing who started it or why there were making out after 145 years of not being able to be together, due to her having to run and stay one step ahead of Klaus. This was their defining moment.

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