A Human and Vampiress To The Rescue (Datherine)

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Summary: Set in future S8. When Kat escapes a prison world and finds Damon, can she find a way to save him, since he's human? If not, can she get Caroline to help him? Will Damon live? Will Kat live? If so, will they get back together?

It was a nebulous night, as a human Katherine woke up in a building basement, having escaped a prison world. There was debris and a lot of water. That was the first thing she noticed. Then she noticed that she wasn't alone. She saw someone familiar. One of the two people in the world that she was the most alike with. Damon. Despite what he'd done on her deathbed when she'd been human last, he'd always be one of the people she loved. The other was Elijah. She'd never wish anything to happen to him.

She got to her feet and walked as fast as she could towards him in the water.

Once she reached him, she knelt by him, where he sat against a wall of debris. She saw blood on either side of his head, as well as saw blood around them in the water. Since he wasn't healing, she realized that he was human. She assumed one thing. He'd probably taken it with Elena like he'd promised when she'd been a vampire.

She rested a hand on the side of his face.

"Damon?" she called, but he didn't move. "Damon, open your eyes. Come on, Damon."

She took her hand away and found his phone in his jacket. Since the water had only gotten to half of his jacket, his phone was still alive. She had to call someone, knowing she couldn't get him out of here by herself. She couldn't even see his wound due to the height of the water. And so, she decided to call the person that had the most heart, but that she also knew was a part of the family now.

"This isn't a great time," she answered, thinking it was Damon.

"It's me. I escaped a prison world, only to end up waking up in a basement. Damon's hurt, I can't tell where. There's water everywhere. I need your help to get him out of here," she explained.

"I'm on my way," Caroline answered.

They hung up.

Kat put a hand in the water to feel how bad the injury was. When she did, she felt that his lower stomach was bleeding, something having stabbed into him. Judging from the debris, she assumed probably a rebar.

"Okay. I'm going to get you as close to the entrance as I can. If you can hear me, Caroline's on her way. She's going to help me help you. I'm not letting you die if I can help it," she told him.

Ignoring her injuries from the prison world, she began swimming, him against her, heading towards the debris that had an exit. Although she was in pain, she kept going. Despite what she'd told him, she did love him. She also loved Elijah. She didn't want anything to happen to either of them.

When she got to the debris by the exit, a familiar blonde arrived. She then got him out. That's when they saw the damage.

"Get him out of here," the human told her, still in the water, holding onto the side of the cement debris that hadn't loosened from the height of the water.

Without question, she did so, worried more about Damon right now than Katherine.

When she was gone with him, Kat used the strength she had left to get herself out of the water. Then, without letting the arrow hit anything, she lay on her back, hoping to get enough strength to get out of there. She knew she'd lost a lot of blood from worrying more about her elder childe, though. And her vision was blurry. She knew there was a possibility of her dying, but she was okay with it, if Damon lived.

After Damon was taken to the hospital and she figured he'd be fine, she headed back to check on Katherine. After all, she was human and had come out of a prison world. If it was the one with a certain Gemini, she was sure she probably needed help, despite hiding it to help Damon. And Caroline knew she was the only one still alive that had a heart if she was hurt. Anyone else would just leave her to die.

When she arrived, she knew she'd been right. She saw an arrow in her leg, and she looked like she'd lost a lot of blood. She also saw some wounds elsewhere. She didn't know everything that Katherine seemed to have knowledge of, and that Damon had learned being married to a doctor for years, so she hoped she could properly help her.

In an instant, she was knelt at her side. She then pulled the arrow out, before using a bandage she'd brought with her on her leg. It looked like her artery had been opened up, but she tied it around her leg anyway.

"Katherine, can you hear me? Open your eyes. Come on, Katherine. You saved Damon. It's my turn to save you. I need you to use whatever you have left, and help me get you out of here," the blonde called to her. She hoped she could wake her up, not knowing the full damage of her wounds. If she couldn't wake her up, she was gonna have to try and get her out of there herself. Nearly everyone else was dead that she could've asked to help her. And she didn't think that she could persuade Ric to help her. "Open your eyes, Katherine," she tried again, a hand on the side of her face.

Kat was in a field, sitting on a cement bench, enjoying the pain being gone, when she kept hearing a voice from afar. Then she realized who it was. Caroline. She was calling to her to wake up. She assumed Caroline had come back to check on her.

Suddenly, Kat felt the pain once again. Then she blurrily saw the blonde, as she felt a hand under her where her shoulder blades were. She felt very weak.

"I need you to stay awake," she heard her say. "Let's get you out of here." She then felt the vampiress help her up with an arm around her. Then she felt everything moving.

Once they had Katherine on a bed and were rushing her down the hall, she waited for Damon to be out of surgery.

About five hours later, Kat woke up to see that she was in the hospital, and it seemed that Damon would be fine, because he was seated on her bedside, dressed.

She gave a smile.

"I'm glad you're alive."

"Caroline told me what you did. You saved my life. Thank you," he replied.

"Well, I wasn't going to let you die," she said.

"If you want, I can take you home," he told her.

"That would be great."

He gave a smile.

She entered the boarding house with him a little while later. Then they both went to bed to lay down in separate rooms.

Several weeks later, after rekindling what they once had, both humans got back together again.

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