Catch Me If You Can (1st revised version)

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Summary: Set in S4E11 after "Into The Wild." What if Jeremy hadn't been killed? What if Katherine hadn't been in the best shape? What if Jeremy had been too late to tell her that that guy was one of The Five? Different things happen.

It was a beautiful day, as Damon stood in the cave tied with vervain ropes. There was one around his neck and another around his wrists, binding them together. One of The Five had a hold of the other end of the rope, standing a distance away, facing him.
"You clearly don't know my friends," Damon said, hearing some rock as someone got ready to enter. Then when he saw Rebekah, he added, "Or my enemies."
Damon pulled on the rope until he had all of the rope, and with a little more effort, he managed to get free from the vervained ropes. But the freedom didn't last long, because when Rebekah was down with arrows in her back, he was tied against a wooden post with something that was vervained.
Suddenly, Stefan walked in. Then he and the guy fought. Once the guy was beaten up a little Stefan started to untie the thing from around his neck.
A moment later, Elena was at Stefan's side.
"Go catch up with Jeremy and Bonnie. I'll help Damon."
"Are you sure?"
"Go, Elena," Damon said. "Help Jeremy and Bonnie; we'll be fine."
He watched Elena jump into the deeper caves.
Stefan finished.
"Go help Elena. I'll be fine," Damon said to his brother.
Stefan jumped into the deeper caves a few minutes later, knowing Elena would probably need help.
Damon crawled over to the Original and started pulling arrows out of her back, which smelled of vervain.
A few moments later, he was finished.
He gently rolled her onto her back and then got to his feet, before picking her up in his arms and jumping down into the deeper caves.

It wasn't long before he smelled a familiar scent; he gently layed the Original down before going deeper.
"No!" he heard Elena say and saw Elena try to stop her.
He saw her push Elena out of the way, but she didn't get past Damon. He grabbed her by the arm firmly.
"What are you doing here, Katherine?"
"The cure. What else? A bargain for my freedom, since I hear he wants to destroy it."
As she pushed him off her and vanished, he knew she wasn't in shape. There was the smell of blood.
He looked at Elena.
"Go help Bonnie and Jeremy. I'll be right behind you."
Elena vanished.
Damon went over and gently picked Rebekah up, before vanishing as well.

Katherine through the guy off Jeremy and Jeremy fell on the ground, before he went to check on Bonnie. Then Katherine bit and drank from the guy.
Elena knelt by Bonnie and her brother. She bit into her wrist and put it to her lips.
"Bonnie, drink."
Damon walked in and saw Elena feeding Bonnie her blood, Jeremy a little beaten up, one of The Five dead on the ground, and Katherine feeding Silas her blood. But once she had the cure in hand, she stopped, taking her wrist away.
She slowly turned around, back against what Silas lay on. She was weak and was holding on to what he lay on with a hand.
Damon gently layed Rebekah down not far from Bonnie and the others, before going over to stand in front of her.
"Katherine, what happened?"
"I got bitten."
"How long ago?"
"Two hours ago."
Elena stood up, now finished with Bonnie, and headed towards Damon and Katherine.
"Jeremy, get Bonnie out of here. Meet us at the boats," Damon said.
Jeremy obeyed.
"I'll get Katherine. You help Rebecca," Elena told Damon.
"And I'll keep this cure safe," Damon said, taking it from Katherine.
Elena put an arm around her, as Katherine put a weak arm around Elena's shoulders.

An hour later Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie, Damon, Katherine, and Rebecca were in a boat.
Rebekah came to, as Damon called his brother.
Rebekah sat up.
"The boat? Did I miss all the fun?"
"I wouldn't call it fun, but you missed everything back there," Elena replied, before explaining to her what happened and what was going on.
Damon hung up.
"Stefan's coming."

"Feel free to help out anytime," Caroline said to Klaus, as she and Tyler sat on the couch at Elena's place.
Just then, they walked in with Elena helping a weak Katherine. It was obvious in one quick look what was wrong.
Stefan set the cure on the coffee table.
Katherine collapsed.
Damon was instantly there to help Elena hold her up, while getting her over to Klaus.
"Well, isn't this a sight," Klaus announced.
"Help her," Damon said.
"Klaus, she's my family. Please. If you don't do it for anyone else, do it for me," Elena said.
"Fine; I'll do it."
"Thank you."
She layed her gently down in front of Klaus.
He pulled her gently into his arms and positioned her head back, before biting his wrist and putting it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat.
After he was done, he layed her gently back down and Damon picked her up in his arms.
"We're going home," Elena told everyone, before following Damon out the door.
Rebekah told Bonnie," You can let it down now. It's time."
Bonnie undid the spell that bound him there. Then, after it was down, she pinned her brother to a wall, still mad at him for daggering her again.
"Burn in hell," she said, before killing him with the only thing that kills Originals; a white oak stake.
Everyone watched as she left the house.

Later that night, Katherine lay in Damon's bed in his room with Elena seated at her bedside.
"Thank you," she told her descendant. "Both of you; you saved my life."
"Hang in there. We'll find the potential and you'll be back to yourself in no time," Elena promised.
"When will you find the potential Hunter? They've started."
"I don't know, but hopefully soon," she admitted. Then, curious, she had to ask her, "What do you see?"
"My ma' ma."
"Katerina," her ma' ma greeted.

An hour later, the Hunter was found and the mark had started after his first killing. Now Kat was all better.
"Thanks, Elena."
"You're welcome."
"If you need anything, call me. I'll be in town if you need me. And tell Damon thank you for me."
Elena watched, as Katherine jumped out the window and vanished.

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