Gods and Monsters

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Summary: Set in the S7 finale "Gods and Monsters." What if Katherine coming back to life and warning him not to listen to the voice in the vault stopped Evil Itself from getting to him? What if he helped her after he found out she was hurt by Kai? What will ensue between them?

It was a nebulous night, as Damon Salvatore stood in the vault. He had just heard the sound of Elena's voice and had hung up on Enzo. Even though he knew Elena was still in a coffin under the sleep spell Kai had put her in, he couldn't help but to listen to what sounded like Elena calling his name.
As he began to look around for who or what it was, scanning with his eyes, he suddenly saw a very human and injured Katherine appear.
"Damon, help me. I need you," the voice said in the vault.
"Katherine?" he questioned her.
"It's me. You didn't think I'd stay dead, did you?"
"Well, I can hope, can't I? How are you alive?"
"I ended up in the 1994 prison world. I think you can guess the rest." She slowly half walked and half limped towards him until she was inches in front of him. "Don't listen to the voice. Let's just get the hell out of here."
"Why? What is it?" he asked her.
"Evil itself. Now let's go," she answered him.
After hearing that, he left the vault and then building with her.
Afterward, they stood in front of each other.
"I know it's not my place or anything, but I'm sorry that you had to deal with Kai. He's a psychotic maniac ass. Bonnie and I had to deal with him when we died for a little while. Then a while later, he came back alive and towards the end of last year, he put Elena under a sleeping spell and linked her to Bonnie. I can't be with her for 60 years until Bonnie dies. He also nearly killed Bonnie which I ripped his head off for," he informed her.
"I'll deal and I'm sorry for Elena. I know how much she means to everyone."
"Yeah, well, it was bound to happen. I lose everyone I care about over time," he replied.
She gently and cautiously rested a hand on the side of his face. She was cautious because she knew what he felt about her.
"I know. That's the price we pay for knowing what exists and being a vampire. I wish I could make it better for you," she replied. She always hated when he was hurt. Besides, she sired him and no matter what, cared for him. She was responsible for anything that happened to him, whether it was by her hand or not.
"Well, there's nothing any of us can do. What happened between you and Kai?" he replied, knowing she was injured. He'd know it since she'd shown up, alive yet again. He'd just been ignoring it until it seemed the right time to help her.
"It doesn't matter," she answered him.
"Well, it does to me. He's a maniac. Nobody deserves to be treated how Kai tends to treat everyone he meets and crosses paths with."
She took her hand away from his face and dropped it.
"I should be the one asking what happened to you. You care now. That's a new one. You haven't cared for me since 1864. What changed?" she replied.
"I don't know. I guess the thought of Kai hurting you isn't something I care to happen."
"I can take care of myself, Damon. You don't need to play hero to everyone that gets hurt or almost dies. You can't help or save everyone."
"Well, maybe not, but I sure as hell can try."
"Don't. You'll get yourself killed for good."
As she spoke, he scanned her for what her injuries were. He could see that it looked like she had some stab wounds and there was a dagger in one of her thighs. It looked like it had opened an artery. There was also blood on the left side of her head and she was pale. He knew that she had lost a lot of blood and it was making her weak, but she was hiding what she was feeling.
"How about we get out of here? You need a hospital," he suggested.
She knew he was right, but didn't want to admit it. She was stubborn like that, but she was starting to feel weak and her vision was going black.
"Katherine," he said, as he caught her from hitting the ground. He then gently layed her down on the ground, knelt by her, and gently took her jacket off. He had to use it to slow or stop the bleeding.
As she lay there, trying to stay awake, she blurrily saw Damon. She could also feel pain and put her hand on her lower stomach, where she felt the pain and now the blood. She could also feel her hand start to shake.
He took her hand off the wound and put her jacket on it, tying it into place. He then put her hand on top of her jacket and his hand on top of hers.
"Stay with me, Katherine. You're gonna be okay."
He slid an arm under her, gently pulling her into his arms, and slide his other arm under her legs. He then got to his feed and blurred towards the hospital.

Damon stood by and watched as the doctors got her hooked up to an ivy and checked her over, as they put a breathing mask on her. There wasn't anything he could do. He could only wait for them to tend to her wounds and hope she would make it.
As everything began to fade away, she could hear the sound of doctors around her and knew where she was. Then everything went black.

A few hours later, a doctor informed Damon that she was in the recovery room and should be just fine. She had a few fractured ribs, a concussion, an opened artery, and some internal bleeding but would be just find as long as she healed correctly and didn't reopen her wounds. He thanked the doctor and then went to her room to see her.
He closed the door behind himself and sat on her beside, a hand on top of hers and his other one he rested on the left side of her face.

When she woke up, she saw that she was in a hospital room with Damon seated on her bedside, a hand on the side of her face.
She gave a smile.
"You saved me."
"Yes, and don't make me regret it," he replied.
"Well, thank you anyway," she said.
He took his hand away from her face and she slowly sat up.
They silently looked at one another.
After a few minutes, they began to make out.

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