I'm Thinking of You All The While

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Summary: Set in 6x22 "I'm Thinking of You All The While." When Kat escapes the prison world Kai recently came out of injured, she stands in Kai's way after he hurt Bonnie in the ep, and helps Damon with taking down Kai after he saves Bonnie. Because of Kat's injuries from Kai though, will Damon care enough to help her? If so, will she live? What will happen between them?

It was a nebulous night, as Kai stood a distance away from Bonnie whom he'd hurt. He was going to give Damon a choice. Bonnie was linked to Elena, so he was going to give Damon the opportunity. He could kill her to put her out of her misery and be reunited with Elena, rather than wait sixty plus years for Elena to wake up after Bonnie died of old age, or he could save Bonnie. He was hoping for Damon to choose the opportunity to be reunited with Elena. It wasn't that Kai cared and knew he'd made a mistake in putting a spell on Elena. Kai was just doing whatever the hell he wanted, not caring about the consequences. Especially, now that he was a vampire.

Suddenly, the person he'd thought he'd left to die in the prison world appeared and stepped between him and Bonnie, standing a distance away from him. He'd done a number on her, but she'd somehow found a way out of the prison world.

"I thought I killed you in that prison world," he stated. "How'd you get out? What are you doing?"

"It doesn't matter how I got out, but what I'm doing is something I've always done. Look out for certain witch bloodlines. And as you're aware I'm sure, the Bennette bloodline has always been one of those that I've made sure won't be destroyed by anyone. You may have injured me pretty good, but I'll protect those I care about, whether they know it or not. After all, Damon still doesn't know that I broke his heart to be prepared for a certain Original that was going to be coming to town. I couldn't let said Original hurt him or worse. I may have acted like I could care less most of the time as a vampire, but I've always cared. And unlike you, I'd never intentionally put kids in danger," she replied. Then she stepped towards him a few steps, forcing herself to stay on her feet, before using magic on him, causing him to have a migraine.

A moment later, she sensed someone else there, so she looked, only to see Damon there. Then she told him, "I'll keep Kai occupied. You save Bonnie." Then she saw him blur over to the witch to save her, before she turned back to Kai, still giving him a migraine. "You went after those I care about. I won't let you continue destroying anyone's lives, even if it means that I have to die again. You've done enough damage. It's time for you to go back where you belong."

After Damon healed Bonnie with his blood, he took the chance of distraction between Kai and Katherine. It seemed that she couldn't do magic any longer though, because she stopped. Then Kai aimed to go after Kat, but Damon came up behind him, using his arm to cute his head off in a quick movement, which killed the Gemni turned vampire.

After a moment, Damon came up to his former sire, having heard what she'd said to Kai, and put hands on her arms just in case, as he scanned with his eyes for the wounds she had. As he did so, he could tell that she was feeling weak from the blood loss.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve what he did to you. No one does," he apologized to her for Kai's actions towards her. Then he said, "I heard what you said. Thanks," thanking her for doing whatever she could to make sure that Klaus wouldn't hurt or kill him back then. Then he assured her, "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay."

"You're welcome. I may have lied a lot as a vampire, but I never wanted children put in danger. And despite me loving both of you and Elijah, you were always the one next to Elijah," she truthfully replied to him, before weakness overcame her.

As she collapsed, he caught her with vampire reflexes, before gently laying her down on the ground on her back. He could see a lower stomach wound, a dagger between her side and lower stomach, and blood on the left side of her head. Then, after getting her on her back on the ground and seeing all of that, he gently took her jacket off and used it to tie around her lower stomach wound, avoiding the dagger, trying to at least slow the bleeding. He knew she'd lost a lot of blood though, and still was.

As she lay there, everything began to grow distant. She could still feel and hear, though. She could feel him trying to help her. Then she felt a hand on the left side of her face, and could hear him trying to keep her awake.

He rested a hand on the side of her face, seeing that she was starting to go under.

"Katherine, hey. Stay with me. I need you to stay awake," he gently instructed her, before gently picking her up in his arms, crook of arm supporting her head, and began to blur towards the hospital. Now that Bonnie was okay and would live, he knew he had to concentrate on Katherine. She'd been selfless tonight, willing to protect Bonnie. She'd even done her best to keep him safe from Klaus before Klaus had come to town all those years ago. It was time for him to save her for once, since she needed help to survive. He could hear her breathing starting to grow shallow.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the hospital and gently layed a barely awake Kat on a bed with wheels that was in the hallway. Then he watched, as doctors rushed her down the hall with a breathing mask on to save her life.

Several hours later, after she survived the surgery, he sat on her bedside, a hand in hers, waiting for her to wake up. She had a concussion, but would be fine once she was fully healed.

Later, when she woke up and was discharged, he took her home to the boarding house. Then, after a few weeks or so, they got back together again.

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