The Cell (4th revised version)

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Summary: Set in S5 "The Cell." What if Damon and Elena weren't captured by Wes, but rather a human Kat? Will Damon realize that she's in trouble? If so, will he decide to save her? Can he save her in time?


After all the crap with Silas, and Elena had gone back to college with Caroline and Bonnie, he was surprised that Katherine hadn't decided to move in on her own accord. In fact, he hadn't seen or heard of her since. With what he'd heard from Elena though, he knew a vampire willing to feed on another could only mean one thing. The Augustine Vampire Society still existed. He assumed with Katherine being missing and a former vampire, she had to be in danger. For some reason, he didn't want that for her, so he hoped she'd be okay. She was human. Nearly anything could hurt or kill her, and it had been weeks.


She woke up in a cell for what felt like the millionth time. She remembered that she was still captured by Maxfield. It felt repetitive now. She'd either wake up in his lab or in this cell, and there was no way out. She could feel whatever he kept experimenting on with her though had long started to take its toll. And she was nothing more than a human now. At this point, she didn't care if she lived or not. Her fight was gone. With everyone hating her in Mystic Falls, she knew no one would be coming for her. Everyone pretty much wanted her dead.


After hours of figuring out where Maxfield might have the cells, considering the school hadn't been built in the 50's, he finally figured it out.

Upon finding the cells, he could see her. She looked pale and like a lot of blood had been taken without a care in the world. He cared, though.

"Katherine, I need you to wake up for me," he called, as he blurred over to the cell, starting to work on forcing it to open. "Talk to me, Katherine," he pleaded, but all he could hear was her very shallow breathing. He refused to lose her again, though. He'd only fed her to Silas recently to get Bonnie back. If he'd had it his way, he would've found another way.

After a few minutes, he got the door open at last.

In a blur, he was knelt at her side, a hand on the side of her face.

"Open your eyes, Katherine. Come on, Kitty Kat. I'm not letting you die," he pleaded, but he could tell whatever Wes had been doing was killing her. So, after a moment, he gently pulled her into his arms. "Stay with me, Katherine. I need you to keep breathing. I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve this."

About an hour later, he had her in a hospital room on a bed, her barely breathing. He held a breathing mask on her, keeping it in place.

"Come on, Katherine. Keep fighting. Stay with me," he pleaded, as he looked at her. Despite the past, as well as what he'd done in the present, he didn't want to lose her again. He'd lost her already so many times. He always said and showed that he hated her, deep down, but a part of him didn't want to have to watch her die, yet again.


When she woke up, she was surprised to see that Damon was seated on her bedside. She also saw that she was in the hospital, not feeling like she was dying anymore. She assumed that he'd found her and realized that something had happened to her, and had brought her here to be saved, which had apparently worked. She was alive and not dying, after all.

"You're awake," he greeted, once he saw that she was awake.

"Thanks," she replied to him, realizing that he'd saved her.

"You're welcome," he replied with a smile.

She smiled back.

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