Back Again

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Summary: Set after S6 events, so technically this is S7. Damon finds an injured Kat after she makes it out of the 1994 prison world without Kai. Will he save her, or will he let her die?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, as Damon walked through the woods, bottle of Bourbon in hand, still trying to deal with Elena's absence.
Suddenly, as he began to pass the river, he saw a shape in it, so he went to investigate, only to see that it was someone he never wanted to see again. Wanting to know how and why she was human and back in Mystic Falls, he gently got her out of the river and gently layed her down on the grass by the river.
He knelt beside her and looked down at her, assessing her condition, seeing that she was injured and quite pale from blood loss. As much of blood that she had lost and that covered her, he knew she hadn't done this to herself. It wasn't a trick of hers.
He carefully took her jacket off to tie around her middle where she was bleeding the most, trying to slow the bleeding. Then, realizing that she wasn't breathing, he sighed before bending down closer and kissing her, giving her some air. He then started doing heart compressions.
No, no, no, he thought, but said instead, "Come on, Katherine; Breathe. You didn't make it this far just to die again, and I'm sure as hell not going to let you die. Now, breathe. I need you to breathe for me. Come back to me, Katherine. Now is not the time to give up or be stubborn."
After almost fifteen minutes, she coughed up water, revived, and then, once she had finished, she saw who had apparently saved her.
She gave him a weak smile.
He smiled back.
"Hey," was all he could say right now.
"Thanks," she replied softly, as her vision began to fade, feeling weak and tired, knowing it was from loss of blood. She knew he'd get her taken care of, though.
She felt him rest gentle hands on either side of her face.
"Katherine, stay with me. Hey; look at me," she heard him say to her.
As darkness closed in, she felt him put her arm around his shoulders and pull her into his arms, before getting to his feet.
"Alright. Let's get you out of here. Just stay with me," she heard him say, before she felt the wind, letting her know that he was using vamp speed to get her to the hospital. Then everything went black.

Half an hour later, Damon rushed into the Mystic Falls hospital with an almost lifeless former vampiress in his arms. Luckily, Meredith saw him and went to the hall to assist, where he began to lay her gently down on a hospital bed.
"What happened?" she asked, as she looked her over.
"I found her in the river. All I can see is that someone did this to her," he informed her, once he had gently layed her down.
"I'll take care of her," she replied, before rushing her down the hall, leaving him there.

Several hours later, she lay in a hospital bed in a recovery room with Damon seated on her bedside, head bandaged from above her forehead and up, another on her thigh and stomach.
"Hey," he greeted, when she awoke.
She smiled.
"So, what happened?" he had to ask.
"Before I got out of the 1903 prison world? Kai," she replied.
"He's dead. I killed him myself," he informed her.
"Then he must've been taken there when you killed him," she answered. "Thanks for the save," she added.

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