Saved By Her Lover

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Summary: Set in TVD S5 after Katherine came to Damon for help after she was turned human. Let's pretend that Damon didn't try delivering her to Silas. Let's pretend that they fell back into love and she never died. None of the dying of old age happened. A werewolf kidnaps and tortures her to get back at Damon for killing Mason five years ago. Can Damon find and save her? Will she live?

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, as Katherine Pierce walked into a silent Salvatore boarding house. As a former vampires, she always got the sense of when danger was near. That's what she got, as she entered the Salvatore boarding house. It got worst, as she approached the living room. Then, when she entered, she saw someone she had never seen before. His demeanor let her know that he was a werewolf, though.
"Hello, Katherine," he greeted.
"Who are you?" she asked him.
"That's not what you need to know," he answered her.
"Well, if you're going to capture me, I deserve to know what to call you."
"I think not."

An hour later, when Damon Salvatore returned home, everything was silent and there was a lingering scent of werewolf in the house. And when he entered the living room, he found a broken and smashed bottle of his Bourbon on the floor by his drinking table. He know only one thing could've happened. A werewolf had taken Katherine hostage. In attempt to save herself, she had thrown a bottle at the werewolf, which obviously hadn't worked out for her. Realizing that, he left to go find them; mostly by their scent.

A couple hours later, Damon found them at the same place where Jules had tortured Caroline three years ago, thinking she had killed Mason. It had actually been Damon.
Once he entered, even though he hadn't made a sound, the werewolf turned around to face him.
"Well, if it isn't the cavalry come to the rescue. I was beginning to wonder when you would show up."
"Who are you? Why would you go to such lengths?" he questioned him.
"You killed Mason. Eye for an eye."
"Then you'll die trying," Damon replied.
A moment later, the werewolf was dead with his heart by his body.
Damon was instantly inside the cell where she had been kept and tortured at.
He knelt at her side where she lay on her back, injured, and barely awake. He gently pulled her into his arms. Just as he bit his wrist, she went under.
"Stay with me, Kat," he said, as he put his wrist to her lips, making his blood go down her throat to save and heal her.
A few minutes later, after her wounds healed and she wasn't dying anymore, he took his wrist away, which instantly healed, and got to his feet with her in his arms, heading home.
In the end, she lived and all was well for now in Mystic Falls.

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