My Love Came Back to Me

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Summary: Set in future S8 many years after Elena died and the S8 finale, but Damon never took the cure. Kat escapes the prison world, injured, and ends up appearing in the boarding house. When Damon finds her, will he save her? If so, will they get back together?

It was a dismal night, as Kat disappeared from the prison world a moment after being shot with an arrow, only to find herself in the boarding house. She couldn't do anything because of being injured though, as she lay on the living room floor. She was too weak from her injuries and blood loss. She knew she'd lost a lot of blood, as her vision began to go from gray to black.

Damon entered the boarding house, but when he smelled Katherine and blood, he stopped in his tracks. He hadn't expected to see her ever again. Then, after a moment of debating, he decided to help her. He then followed the scents, only to find her on her back on the floor, injured.

In an instant, he was knelt at her side. He then rested a hand on the side of her face.

"Katherine, can you hear me? Open your eyes," he called. Then, when he didn't get any response, he knew he had to do something. And as he looked, he could see that she'd lost a lot of blood. There was an arrow in her side, close to her abdomen. She was also very pale and had a heavily bleading lower stomach and thigh artery, which she'd lost a lot of blood. He could also hear her slow, shallow breathing, as well as her slow heart.

"Stay with me, Katherine. Keep breathing for me."

He gently pulled her into his arms and got to his feet with her after pulling the arrow out, before blurring to the hospital with her. Despite what she'd done, he wasn't going to let her die. He'd lost her so many times, whether he loved her or not at the time. He wasn't going to lose her again. Especially, when it was Kai's doing. He knew it from the arrow and ascendant not far from her.

Several hours later, when she woke up after the surgery, she saw that Damon had saved her. She knew it since he was seated on her bedside, a hand on hers.
She gave a smile.
"You saved me."
"Well, no one gets to mess with you except me," he replied with a smile.
She smiled back.
"Well, thanks for the save."
After a while of looking at one another, not knowing why, they began to make out.

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