Holding On and Letting Go

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Summary: Set in S7. Damon finds a very human Katherine in the road and it looks like Kai injured her. What will he do? Will he help and save her, or will he just let her be?

Is anybody out there?
Is anybody listening?
Does anybody really know
If it's the end or the beginning?
A cry
A rush
From one breath is all we're waiting for
Sometimes the one we're taking
Changes every one before

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Damon Salvatore walked down the road, drinking a half empty bottle of Bourbon, grieving over the loss of Elena. Kai had put a sleeping spell on Elena. As long as Bonnie was alive, Elena wouldn't wake up. Kai was thankfully dead though, as of six months ago. Damon had severed his head to save Bonnie from him. Now he was alone without Elena. He had only known her for six years and already it felt like missing his sire, Katherine, all over again. When he had thought that she had died after he had opened the tomb six years ago, it had shattered him into a million pieces. That's what it felt like now. Katherine had been killed by his brother to get her out of Elena's body a year ago, though. She was completely out of their hair. He didn't even think that he'd ever see her again. Bonnie had said that she had been swept away by a black mass, instead of ending up on the Other Side. He was actually kind of happy about that, but there was a part of him that wanted to know where she had ended up at. Another part of him hoped that she was getting what she deserved. Even though he half hated her for everything, there was still a part of him that still cared for her, even if he didn't love her anymore.
He stopped in the middle of the road, seeing someone lying in the road a distance or so away. He could immediately smell human blood, but couldn't hear anything, which let him know that whoever it was was dead, but most likely had only been dead for a couple minutes. Wanting to know who it was, he blurred over and knelt at her side, only to see a very human Katherine. He assumed she had come from a prison world, seeing an ascendant not far from her. Even though he knew Kai was dead, he didn't know where he had ended up at and looking at her, it looked like Kai's doing. Kai was the only person he knew that used a bow and arrow and would hurt and even kill anyone and everyone in his way.
He reached down and pulled the arrow out of her lower stomach and tossed it aside, before pulling the knife out of her thigh and putting it in his jacket. He didn't want it to end up in the wrong hands. When he did, he realized that the way her wound was bleeding, Kai had opened an artery in her thigh. He couldn't let her lose any more blood though, if he was going to try and bring her back. She had lost a massive amount of blood. He carefully took her jacket off and used it to tie around her thigh wound to slow the bleeding. He then kissed her, giving her some air, trying to revive her.

It's everything you wanted
It's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know
We're holding on and letting go
Sometimes we're holding angels
And we never even know
Don't know if we'll make it
But we know
We just can't let it show
It's everything you wanted
It's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know
We're holding on and letting go

"Come on, Katherine. Breathe. Breathe for me," he said after fifteen minutes of nothing, as he continued trying. "I need you to breathe. I know you've been through Hell, but you need to breathe."

Yeah, letting go
It's everything you wanted
It's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know
We're holding on and letting go

After a few more minutes of nothing, he heard her heart and stopped. She then coughed, revived.
"That a girl," he commented, strangely relieved that she was alive. Maybe it was because he was alone and needed companionship and something to do. Whatever it was that relieved him, he didn't care.
He put her arm around his shoulders and slid an arm under her, pulling her gently into his arms.

It's everything you wanted
It's everything you don't
It's one door swinging open and one door swinging closed
Some prayers find an answer
Some prayers never know
We're holding on and letting go

Feeling an arm under her and wanting to know who had brought her back to life after she had succeeded in escaping from Kai in the 1994 prison world, she opened her eyes to see her elder childe. It surprised her, considering he hated her the most out of everyone.
"Damon?" she questioned in a whisper, feeling weak and tired.
She felt another arm under her legs.
"It's me," he assured her.
She felt the wind, which let her know that he was using vamp speed. That's when she realized that she was probably injured from Kai. Realizing that, flashes of what Kai had done to her came back to her. Then her vision began to blur.
"Hey. Stay with me, Katherine. Look at me. Focus," he encouraged.

As her vision began to dim, she felt something like a hospital bed. Then there was some pain, as she felt him taking care of her lower stomach wound. Then she felt a gentle hand on the side of her face.
"You need to fight it, Katherine," he encouraged, seeing that she was starting to lose the fight, just as he finished with her stomach wound and started in on her thigh.
Just as everything began to go gray, she felt him finish with her thigh and rest a hand on her forehead.
"I'm right here, Katherine. I'm not going anywhere. Just keep fighting," was the last thing she heard. Then everything went black.

She didn't know how long she was out, but when she came to, she saw that she was in his bed with him seated on her bedside, hand in hers, and she felt a lot better.
She gave a smile, glad that he had saved her life.
He smiled back.
"You're welcome. Welcome home, Katherine. Get some rest. You need it."
She smiled again.
He gave a smile, before kissing her hand and then leaving the room.
She watched him go, before taking his advice.

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