Compassion and Love After All

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Summary: Set in S5 after Damon and Elena broke up. Human Kat comes to the boarding house injured. Will someone help her? What if Damon shows her that he still cares about her? What will happen?

A/N: Based off from a fanfic I read.

It was a dark night in Mystic Falls, Virginia as Katherine Pierce, recently made human because of Elena shoving the cure down her throat, limped towards the front door of the boarding house, vision blurring and going gray and dim.

Damon Salvatore was upstairs in his room, drinking a bottle of alcohol, when he caught the scent of human Katherine and the familiar scent of blood.

He set the half empty bottle of alcohol on his end table, before blurring downstairs to find out what was going on, though all he could hear was her breathing and heart beating, as he got closer to the door.

When he opened the door, she didn't look too good.

"What happened?" he asked.

She looked at him, as she leaned heavily on the left side of the door frame, one arm around her lower torso, a bruise on the right side of her face, vision blurry.

"Hybrid," she replied, before her vision started to go black.

With vampire reflexes, he caught her from hitting the ground, as she collapsed. He then gently pulled her into his arms and blurred upstairs and into his room with her.

As soon as he arrived in his own room, he gently layed her down on his bed and assessed her condition. And once he saw what the worse wound was, he contemplated on what to do. He knew he couldn't giver he any vampire blood, because her body would reject it, since she was dying of old age quicker than a normal human, anyway. He could just let her die, but he didn't think he should. He knew if he did let her die, she would be out of their hair, but he also knew that her daughter would be peeved off it him and he didn't want to take any chances. He didn't know Nadia as well as he knew Katherine, so he didn't know what would happen to him if he let her die and Nadia found out about it. So, he knew he had to save her life. Plus, he knew that even though they all mostly hated her for what she's done, he still cared about her. No matter how much he wanted to hate her fully and not give a crap about her, it would never happen. He still loved Elena, even after he broke up with her recently, but he still cared about Katherine and she would always be in his heart no matter how much he tried to push her out of his heart and away from him forever. He just wasn't sure how he could truly save her life this time around, though. He knew he could only do what he could do.

He blurred into the bathroom for the first aid kit.

A moment later, he was seated on her bedside and started in on doing all that he could do for her for the time being.

As Katherine Pierce lay there, out cold, the past all came back to her that she didn't want to see or think about ever again. Though, some of her memories of her past were fond ones, most of them were not such good memories at all.

As she lay in bed at home in a room with her mama at her side, the maid by the foot of her bed, she asked the maid to give her her daughter that she had just given birth to, but just as she started to, her father whom stood not far from the maid, said, "What are you doing woman? Bring her to me." Then her father walked away with her baby girl and she tried to get her papa to reconsider, saying, "Papa! No!", with tears streaming down her face. He kept walking, though he looked back at her and said, "No! You have disgraced this family!" And then he disappeared and she never saw her daughter ever again. She never got to even see her or touch her or even name her.

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