|Chapter 1 : Rules Mean Nothing|

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Opening my eyes I coughed in pain as flashes followed by bangs and shouts echoed around me as the rain continued to bounce off my skin and I glanced around, the sky a light pink colour while I caught sight of Blaise directly above me as I stared at him

"Don't you dare move Amelia"

"Why? What's wrong?"




"It hurts" I told him quietly as my eyes filled with tears and I clenched my fist as agonising pains shot through my side and I pressed my lips together forcefully as he took ahold of my hand

"I know, it's fine. You'll be okay- Draco! Fucking stop it!" Blaise screamed as the flashes and bangs stopped and a moment later the thudding of footsteps got louder and he was kneeling down next to the two of us in a matter of seconds

"Black! Do you yield?!"

"You hit her in the side, yes she yields!-"

"No I fucking don't!" I screamed as I forgot about the pain, propelled by anger as I pushed myself up and clicked my fingers as my wand flew into my hand and I stormed forward, blood boiling while I raised my wand

"Everte Statum!" Watching Ron fly back a couple of meters I turned my wand to Harry, the same thing happening to him as he was propelled backwards and I turned back to Ron, bringing my wand down and sending spells at him with every word I shouted

"You dirty, sickening, cheating, piece of scum! You rat! Vermin! You're a coward! No respect for anybody! You're nothing but a-!"

"Expelliarmus!" My wand shooting from my hand I turned away in anger as I followed it, watching as it landed in Nathan's outstretched hand as he walked towards me with Adam by his side as my hands burned a bright white

"Dalmer! Give me my wand!"

"Absolutely not! What in the name of Merlin are you two doing?!" He shouted as I gritted my teeth, watching Ron get up from the corner of my eye, a strong wind coming from behind me making him topple back down to the ground as I retook notice of the pain spreading throughout the majority of the right side of my torso making me glance down, the wind dropping as my voice became quieter when I spoke and I clamped my eyes shut, an arm wrapping around me as I glanced at Draco, shaking my head as I motioned for him to stay quiet while I wrapped my arms around myself.


"What does it look like we were doing?-"

"Amelia! What did I say to you?"

"Not now Adam-"

"Sort this out between the two of you now-"

"We were trying to-"

"Don't expect me to apologise-"

"Amelia!-" cutting Nathan off I turned around weakly, my skin clammy and pale as I glared at Ron, gritting my teeth as I spoke

"Ron, your grievance is legitimate but I stand by what I said, every single bit of it. You stand only for yourself and it's what you do, I can't apologise because it's true" I spat at him before looking back to the other two, an overwhelming urge to sit down coming over me as Draco started walking

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