|Chapter 151 : Drinks And Dances|

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"You really do look amazing" Draco mumbled quietly, standing behind me as we clapped when the four couples walked into the hall and onto the clear space of the floor as I turned my head to him, smiling as he wrapped his arm around my waist

"And you look even better than you usually do, very handsome if I say so myself" I told him quietly, watching a grin form on his face as he stood with his chest directly against my back and I looked around the hall, spotting Pansy and Blaise as she grinned at me, poking Blaise and getting him to look over in our direction as he tried to bite back his laugh and I turned away from the two with a shake of my head. Watching, more people slowly started going into the floor, finding their place with the music as Draco reached his hand round in front of me and I grabbed it, grinning as I was pulled in the direction of the floor, keeping ahold of his hand while running my hand up to his shoulder as he kept his hand happily on my waist, the two of us spinning in time with the music as I started laughing, soon getting picked up off the floor and spun around and set back down again as I grabbed Draco tightly, my face flushed as he continued on with a grin on his face while trying his best to bite back his laugh.

"You're an asshole"

"It's part of the dance-"

"You're an asshole for enjoying that too much" I explained to him laughing as he locked eyes again, his grin wide across his face as he bowed his head again during another spin, us moving across the floor while I glanced around, catching Cedric's eye as he gave me an amused look and I looked back to Draco and peered at him as I tried to hide my laugh

"Is that an ever so faint blush I see across your face there, Malfoy?"

"Absolutely not"

"Oh but it is... a little flustered are we?" I teased quietly, laughing as he avoided looking at me while shaking his head with a smirk, the music soon coming to an end as I was pulled off to the side and we made our way to a table as we stopped and he turned, the music growing louder as he leaned forward beside my ear to make sure I could hear him

"Do you want a drink?"

"Yes please, do you want me to find the others?"

"No don't worry, they're at the drinks table. I'll be a minute" he told me as I nodded, watching him vanish as hands dropped on my shoulders and I jumped, whipping around as my fear vanished and I gave a laugh, looking at Adrian and Miles who stood side by side with grins

"Well you two look alright, don't you?"

"Not bad yourself, Black"

"Effortless what can I say" I laughed as I looked at the two of them in their black dress robes, Miles' bow tie sitting a little squint as I reached forward with an amused sigh as I straightened it out

"Honestly, can you two not dress yourselves?"

"I can, he can't"

"Sure you can- Adrian, yours is squint too" I told him laughing as I tugged at it slightly

"Honestly, we're at a ball and you two can't even make it look like you didn't crawl out of the gutters"

"Is that a compliment?"

"How could it be a compliment, Bletchley?"

"Aside from that, you two certainly look smart-"

"And Malfoy looks red" Adrian snorted as I looked about, him still being on the other side of the hall as I looked at them both and stepped back

"Not now-"

"During the dance"

"Why were you two watching?"

"We were right beside you"

"Awh, dancing with each other huh?" I asked laughing as they looked at me grinning, Adrian wrapping his arm around Miles and leaning in for a kiss as he pushed him off before turning back to me

"We were right next to you two though"

"Shut up no you were not"

"We were, and you were having a right little laugh to yourself" Miles pointed out laughing as my face went pink and I turned my head, Draco walking over in our direction with Pansy and Blaise behind him as I turned back to the two who started to back away amused

"And this is where we'll end this conversation"

"Enjoy your date, Black" Adrian laughed as they vanished and I turned around, Draco in front of me as he passed me a glass of champagne and we clinked it gently

"What were they laughing about?"

"Oh nothing, they were just being twats" I explained as I felt a head rest on my shoulder, looking at Pansy with a grin as she looked at me with her glass raised to her lips

"Have you seen Granger?"

"In the pink? Yeah, she looks really nice"

"Have you seen who she's with?"

"Oh, yeah she's gone with Krum"


"Why're you so intrigued by that? Jealous?"

"Oh no no no... I just wouldn't want to go with an 18 year old" she shrugged as it dawned on me and I grimaced a little before laughing

"Ain't our problem, come on" I laughed as I downed my drink and grabbed her hand as I led her into the direction of the dance floor, the Weird Sisters starting to play as I gave Draco a look over my shoulder with a grin

"Oh my god you're smitten"

"I am not!"

"Right.... Tell that to the grin on your face"

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