|Chapter 187 : Soppy|

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Why were you up so early? It was around six in the morning

"I was finishing the letter I was going to drop off for you before heading to my classes. I never knew you were coming back today so none of those things happened"

I wanted to keep it a surprise

"Well... I'm glad you did" Draco mumbled quietly, laying across me with his head above my chest as I ran my fingers through his hair, glancing down at him as he lay there with his eyes closed, his shirt and tie sticking out at the base of the bed from where he'd discarded them as I smiled slightly before looking back to him just as he turned his head to me

"Can I be a bother?"

What do you mean?

"I need to go to the bathroom, but I don't want to leave" he explained quietly, his fingers dragging across my skin in a circular motion as I started laughing quietly, glancing down at him amused

Draco, go to the bathroom

"But what will I do if I come back and you're not here?"

Draco, I'm not going to run away

"You better not. I'll be no longer than a minute" he told me quietly, pulling himself up as he slipped past the drapes and I heard the bathroom door click shut behind him as I sat up, drawing the duvet up with me. Turning my head when the drapes were pulled back again I gave Draco a smile, showing him that I was still on his bed as he sat down next to me and I pulled the duvet over him as he turned my head towards him, his lips pressing to mine in an instant as I started laughing, snaking my hand around to the back of his neck as a grin crossed his face and he reached up for my hand before lowering it and locking our fingers together

"The dorm is also empty, feel free to get up and move about if you'd like"

I'm happy here

"I'd be upset if you weren't" he mumbled quietly before shuffling down and laying on his back as he kept a tight hold of my hand while using his other to sort the drapes out again as I leant my head on his shoulder

What's the time?

"Almost five... do you have somewhere you need to be?"

No, I'm already here

"And you called me soppy"

You are soppy... when you want to be

"Yeah and that stays between us" he pointed out as I lay there amused, looking up at him with a grin before moving my head back against him with a smile before closing my eyes

Have you ate today? Dinner has started if you're wanting to head down and get some food

"Are you going to go and get dinner?"

I'm not really hungry, and I still can't entirely eat properly yet. There's also going to be a lot of people there and I don't think I can be bothered to deal with that

"No that's understandable, I don't blame you either. But to answer your question, I'll stay here"

Draco you haven't ate all day

"I had fruit for breakfast"

That's like nothing

"I'll go get food later, is that a deal?" He compromised as I nodded with a laugh before shuffling about slightly and wrapping my arm over him before he pulled me on top of him entirely causing me to laugh again as he moved his hand and laid it gently on my back as he stayed silent for awhile, the only sound meeting my ears being that of his heart continually thumping against his chest

Can I ask you something?

"Go for it"

Do you mind if I stay here tonight?

"Do I mind? Amelia of course I don't, I want you to"

You do?

"Obviously. I was going to ask you earlier but thought it wasn't the best time"

Well I'm glad we're on the same page about that

"Can you promise me something first though?"

I can...

"Promise me you won't go disappearing in the morning, please stay"

"I promise" I managed to reassure him quietly, turning my head to look up at him as he met my eyes with a growing smile, not able to contain his laugh before raising his hand and brushing the hair from my face

"Does it hurt to talk?"

"A little"

"Then why do you continue to do it? I'm not complaining, but if it hurts don't force yourself"

"I have to try and..." feeling my throat become scratchy I coughed slightly, opening my mouth to talk again as a little strangled noise came out, glancing up at him silently before we both started laughing and I sighed slightly before reaching for my wand

I have to try and speak more anyway, it'll hurt but will also help more in the long-run

"As long as it doesn't bother or hurt you too much"

Awh look at you being all caring

"I'm always caring"

You wish you were

"Okay.... Towards you I am"

Soppy git

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