|Chapter 140 : Breakfast Exposé|

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Sitting at breakfast quietly I watched as the flurry of birds swept in through the open window, slowly starting to drop mail and settle down by their owners as I looked up confused, Chiara flying straight down towards me and landing gently on my empty plate, a low and soft hoot coming from her as she held her leg out to me and gave it a little shake. Carefully untying the little piece of scrolled up paper from her leg I grabbed a piece of toast and tore a few bits up for her to eat while I looked at the note

Meet me at The Three Broomsticks on your trip to Hogsmeade this weekend, around 2pm will work best. We need to chat.


Folding it and slipping it into my pocket I sighed slightly, dreading going to see him as I wondered what conversations would be waiting for me. I was soon drawn away from my thoughts as Chiara started continually hooting as I turned my head, watching Aaron walk over with a grin as he gently flattened the feathers on her head before looking to me and the empty space beside me

"Do you mind?" He asked quietly, motioning to the free space as I glanced around, looking at all the faces that were sitting near us as I shook my head and he sat down, leaving a bit of space between us as he started to tear up more toast for Chiara

"Comment allez-vous?"


"Tout autre chose que 'meh'?"

"C'est une longue histoire"

"nous avons longtemps"

"Peut-être, mais peut-être pas assez longtemps"

"je me suis inquiété pour toi" he mumbled quietly, turning to me and resting his head on his hand as I turned to him

"Look, Aaron, I love this yeah... but why aren't you talking to me in English"

"People are around"


"....people I don't like"

"Oh? Expand please?"

"C'est une longue histoire" he shrugged, trying his best to mask the small smirk that was climbing it's way up onto his face as I shook my head at him and he grabbed my bowl, ladling in a few spoons of porridge and setting it down before sprinkling on a fine layer of sugar as I looked at the bowl, my stomach aching with hunger as it writhes at the sight of it, the desperation to eat and fulfil my hunger soon pushed out of the way by guilt and fear


"Oh I'm not hungry"

"Amelia I can hear your stomach rumbling a mile away"


"I'm not deaf.... Seriously.... Please eat, even a couple of spoonfuls" he pleaded as I looked at him, his eyes slightly wide and eyebrows ever so slightly raised as I slowly glanced back at the bowl, my mouth having gone dry as I reached for my goblet, shaking my head before drinking. Letting out a sigh he moved the porridge in front of him and grabbed a spoon before placing down a slice of toast and apple in front of me

"This is the substitution.... That, or this. It's your choice"

"You're a cunt"

"Sending kisses"



"Since when have you ever said that?"

"Since now, it's my thing, I think it's kinda cute"

"It is kinda cute..." I admitted quietly, a small laugh erupting from him as I grabbed my knife and slowly started to cut up the toast into bite sized pieces and the apple into segments, eating a couple of little pieces as he turned to me

"les gens me parlent"

"Okay? Good for you?"

"au propos de vous"

"Oh goody I have myself a fan club" I sighed, nothing out of the ordinary as I pushed my food around my plate before putting my fork down and turning to him

"Go on, explain yourself"

"So far I've had Miles, Cedric, Oscar, Holly, I think Harry came over at one point, and Nadia-"

"Oh goody, all my favourite people-"

"And Nathan, he more frequently than anybody else" he told me quietly as I turned and looked at him, my mind wandering to the note in my pocket as I raised my eyebrows at him

"He's been shitting himself, Amelia. He's always asking about you and I haven't been able to tell him much... if anything so he-"

"Oh my god it was you"


"You proposed the idea of him meeting with me" I groaned quietly, covering my face with my hands as I closed my eyes tightly before turning my head and looking at him as he gave me a small smile, looking regretful as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it

"I promise it'll be for the better, he just wants to check in on you and make sure everything is going alright-"

"But I could get into trouble"

"How? How could you possibly get into trouble? Or who would get you into trouble for talking to Nathan?"

"This is a difficult place Aaron.... People talk"

"And that's a bad thing?"

"For me it's horrible.... It's terrifying" I explained to him quietly while locking eyes intensely, more people flooding into the hall and filling in the seats around us as I glanced about, not having even noticed Chiara leave as he stood up and motioned for me to follow as we both left the hall, quickly vanishing outside

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