|Chapter 69 : Vouching For|

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"You look like you play"

"I'm sorry?"

"You look like you play-"

"He means he thinks you look like someone who plays quidditch"

"Oh. Yeah, yes I do"



"What position?"

"Chaser. Picked for the team in first year" I told them as I looked up from the map I was scanning, all three of us having dumped ourselves down on the ground just outside of the entrance after I had cast a silencing charm around us as they gave a hum

"You sound surprised"

"It's just.... at Beauxbatons... girls aren't allowed on the quidditch teams"

"Well that's sexist-"

"It is-"

"But it's also good-"


"Because it means the girls can carry on with music and dance while we get to play quidditch unbothered-"

"Unbothered? Are you kidding me? Also, why does there have to be separation between the girls and the guys and what subjects they do? At Hogwarts, girls and guys are both allowed on the team and we all sit the same subjects and just to add the cherry on top of the cake I'm the only girl on the Slytherin quidditch team so shove it up you" I told Brandon as I stared at him with narrowed eyes, setting my jaw annoyed as he stared back at me, slightly taken aback

"You're like a bull with that rage-"

"If you're scared of the bull stay out the damn rodeo" I told him as I glanced at Robert, watching him try to cover his laughter with a cough as Brandon sat there unhappily

"I bet you're not even that good-"

"Oh I'm sorry, is that your answer? Shut up, go home, and pull your damn pants up" I shot at him as a crack could be heard and I turned my head slightly before standing up and dusting myself down slightly before looking back to him

"I'll get Nathan down here"

"Who now?"

"Just you wait" I told him with a sigh as I drew my wand and flicked it with a murmur, sending a message to him as I turned around and started walking, a smile growing as I stopped

"Well look who it is"

"Good to see you Amelia"

"Good to see you too Oliver" I laughed as I walked by his side, before reaching out and grabbing the clipboard from Robert and scanning through it

"I suppose it'll just be under 'Wood'?"


"Just give me a minute to find it and tick it off. How're you then?"

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