|Chapter 71 : Stolen Breaks|

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"I was half expecting you to not arrive if I'm honest"

"Are you kidding? I'm getting the chance to steal food: of course I'm going to be here" I told Cedric laughing as I took my shoes off

"You didn't have to take your shoes off"

"It's polite to do so"

"Well you're always polite around me so I'm not surprised"

"Of course I'm polite around you: you have my heart" I told him laughing before moving past him and going into their kitchen, his dad standing at the boiling kettle while I pulled open a cupboard, taking out a tub of biscuits as Amos started laughing and I looked at him with a smile

"You don't mind do you Mr Diggory?"

"Of course not. Cedric made sure to pack the ones you like"

"Awh thanks Cedric, you know me so well- ginger snaps?" I asked as I turned my head to him with my eyebrows raised expectantly as he paused and his eyes widened before reaching forward and taking the tub from me, peeling the lid off before looking up



"You don't even like ginger snaps!"

"Took you long enough" I said to him laughing as he grabbed my hand and and passed me a few chocolate chip cookies as my grin continued to grow

"Would you like some tea Amelia?"

"No thank you"

"How long will you be staying?"

"Not long: I'm on my break and if I don't start working again Ludo won't exactly be happy"

"Yes well I can deal with Ludo-"

"You? Cedric Diggory deal with Ludo? What're you going to do, make yourself seem bigger than you are in an attempt to intimidate him?" I asked laughing, grinning at him as a smirk grew on his face and he knocked my shoulder gently

"Are you coming back to my classes this year-?"

"Absolutely not" I cut over him laughing as he looked at me confused, a smile growing on my face as I looked at him

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to deal with the stress of juggling different classes again this year"

"Exactly! You done well last year Amelia but you'll be needing every minute you can get this year: it's a big year ahead of you"

"Howcome? Is something happening? Do I not know something?" I asked Amos as he picked up his cup of tea and walked past with a smile before tapping his nose and disappearing as Cedric sighed, leaning against the counter as I turned to him confused

"He's not telling me either. Come on though, you need to sleep" following him out of the kitchen we walked straight ahead as he held the curtain back for me before sitting down next to him on the single bed as we leant against the wall and I rested against him

"How were your OWL results?"

"Passed: all O's and E's"

"Of course. I wouldn't expect anything else anyway"

"Thanks Lia, I appreciate the faith. Now go to sleep"

"That got violent"

"It really didn't, but whatever you say" he laughed as a smile stayed on my face and I reached for the pillow, passing him it as he let out a laugh and I shut my eyes tiredly.

Hearing a low buzz fill my ears I jumped up instantly, trying to look around before I turned to Cedric as he stared at me confused

"What're you doing?"

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"That buzzing noise? What is it? What's gone off?"

"I'm not hearing anything Lia...."

"Oh for gods sake!" I hissed annoyed before pressing my earpiece, the noise stopping as Cedric sat there in a confused silence while Brandon's voice appeared in my ear

"And what the fuck do you want?"

"Manners Lia-"

"But Cedric! He woke me up"


"Brandon? What do you want? You woke me up-"

"We need help"

"What? With what? I'm still on my break"

"I know but we've got a situation and we don't know what to do"

"What is it?"

"You'll need to come down to see it and understand it"

"Where are you? I'll use a portkey" I sighed as I sat up and took to bag off of my arm, murmuring as it glowed a light blue colour

"Down at the entrance"

"For fucks sake"

"Be quick please" his voice disappearing I rubbed at my face tiredly, hiding my yawn as Cedric sat forward and looked at me

"You aren't going, are you?"

"I have to"

"Finish your break first"

"If I get there sooner I might be given a longer break later" I told him as I stood up and had a look to see if I had left anything as he stood up too and I hugged him back after getting pulled towards him

"I know you won't listen to me if I try to tell you otherwise. If you do get another break come back here, you're welcome to"

"Thanks Ced, I'll see you later" I mumbled quietly, stepping back just in time as I disappeared. Landing at the entrance I turned to the two unhappily as I was beckoned over

"Gather around, we have a problem"

"The fire-"

"Wait, there's a fire?!"

"Never mind that: there's something more interesting"

"No! Don't change the subject!"

"Too late. Now, we need help"

Silently Screaming For HelpWhere stories live. Discover now